01. Components of small and medium sized HLMC reactor plant circuits 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Nuclear power plants Beznosov A.V. Bokova T.A. Bokov P.A.02. Determination of third-order elastic moduli to measure stressed-strained states in metal structural components of nuclear power plants 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Nuclear power plants Minin S.I.03. Calculational model and physical and technical factors that determine plutonium proliferation protection 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Kulikov E.G. Kulikov G.G. Apse V.A. Shmelev A.N. Geraskin N.I.04. Small power lead fast reactor with metallic fuel 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Khorasanov G.L. Samokhin D.S. Zevyakin A.S. Zemskov E.A. Blokhin A.I.05. Rococo – a system of providing nuclear data for Monte Carlo reactor calculations 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Zherdev G.M. Kislitsyna T.S. Nikolaev M.N.06. A study of the gas-water mixture in the rod control cluster assembly sleeve cavity of the RBMK-1000 reactor 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Belozerov V.I. Milinchuk V.K.07. Power coefficient of reactivity used for assessing the results of transients in power reactors 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Kazansky Y.A. Slekenichs Ya.V.08. Small nuclear power plants for power supply to the arctic regions: spent nuclear fuel radioactivity assessment 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Naumov V.A. Gusak S.A. Naumov A.V.09. Application of IRT-T research reactor as the potential solution of graphite radwaste disposal problem 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Pavliuk A.O. Kotlyarevsky S.G. Bespala E.V. Bespala Yu.R.10. Analysis of a severe beyond design basis accident for the EGP-6 reactor facility at Bilibino NPP. Release source term formation 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Parafilo L.M. Mukhamadeyev R.I. Baranayev Yu.D. Suvorov A.P.11. Analysis of acoustic signals of leak for increases in sensitivity of control due to creation of effective diagnostic features 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Shvetsov D.M. Trykov E.L. Leskin S.T. Puzakov A.Yu.12. Analysis of mass transfer processes in a reactor during a loss-of-coolant accident 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Lepekhin A.N. Polunichev V.I.13. Brittle fracture resistance of reactor pressure vessel steels in the initial state 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Nuclear materials Anosov N.P. Skorobogatykh V.N. Gordyuk L.Yu. Mikheev V.A. Pogorelov E.V. Shamardin V.K.14. Radiation induced separation and accumulation of electric charge in supercapacitors 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics in nuclear power engineering Stepanov V.A. Chernov V.A. Parshikov Yu.G. Lebedev V.P. Kharanzhevskiy E.V.15. Implementation of the diversity principle of software and hardware complexes of process control systems for nuclear facilities in educational process 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Personnel training Tolokonsky A.O. Volodin V.S.16. Alexander Ilyich Leipunsky and his principles in higher education 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 History of science Kirillov P.L.