01. Сomputational Substantiation of Technological Characteristics of the Closure Stage of Nuclear Fuel Cycle Using Code VIZART 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Current issues in nuclear energy Makeyeva I.R. Pugachev V.Yu. Shmidt O.V. Rykunova A.A. Shadrin A.Yu.02. An Analysis of the «Fast» Noise Measurements of the Dynamic VVER processes 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Nuclear power plants Arkadov G.V. Pavelko V.I. Slepov M.T.03. Computational Simulation of the Heat and Mass Transfer Processes Occurring in the Containment of Novovoronezh NPP II’s Units 1 and 2 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Nuclear power plants Soloviev S.L. Shishov A.V. Povarov V.P. Yaurov S.V.04. Numerical Simulation of Fluid Dynamics and Mixing in Headers of Sodium-Air Heat Exchangers 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Smetanin T.R. Pakholkov V.V. Rogozhkin S.A. Shepelev S.F.05. Towards a Uniform Description of Recombiners Performance by a Consistent CFD approach with the use of a Detailed Mechanism of Hydrogen Oxidation 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Avdeenkov A.V. Achakovsky O.I. Ketlerov V.V. Soloviev S.L. Duong Quang Huong06. Regular Thermal Mode Method to Determine the Heat Release in the Structural Materials of the IR+8 Reactor Reflector 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Nuclear materials Arefinkina S.E. Abramov A.N. Babenko A.V. Erak D.Yu. Efremov P.K. Mikhin O.V. Yakovlev V.V.07. Main Provisions of the Block Concept of Decommissioning of NPP Buildings and Facilities 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Decommissioning Engovatov I.A. Ivanova A.I. Kovalenko Zh.A. Volkov V.G. Safronova N.N.08. Ensuring Radiation Safety During Dismantling, Transportation and Long-Term Storage of the SM-3 Research Reactor Cor 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Decommissioning Yusupov A.N. Mikhailov P.A. Kizin V.D. Gromov M.O. Kusovnikov A.V. Avdonin V.V.09. Experience in the Production of 99Mo from Low Enriched Uranium 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 application of nuclear tech Kochnov O.Y. Stepanov V.I. Pakholik D.A. Kolesov V.V. Nikulin E.V.10. Arguments for Creation of Support for Nuclear Power in Society 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Personnel training Gorin N.V. Kuchinov V.P. Ekidin A.A. Dekusar V.M. Moiseev A.V. Shidlovsky V.V.11. Semi-empirical Relations for Calculation of Density, Dynamic Viscosity and Specific Heat Capacity of Liquid Potassium 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Letters ti the editorial office Babaeva Yu.A.12. Selection of Void Fraction Correlations for Task of Fuel Assemblies Cooling in SFP 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Letters ti the editorial office Sledkov R.M.