Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Main Provisions of the Block Concept of Decommissioning of NPP Buildings and Facilities

12/16/2023 2023 - #04 Decommissioning

Engovatov I.A. Ivanova A.I. Kovalenko Zh.A. Volkov V.G. Safronova N.N.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2023.4.07

UDC: 621.039.75+621.039.58

Recently, a growing number of countries have adopted the «immediate decommissioning» strategy as the main option for decommissioning nuclear power plants. In Russia, in 2017, based on the results of a feasibility study for units No. 1 and No. 2 of the Novovoronezh NPP, an immediate dismantling strategy was also adopted. The main advantages of this option for NPP decommissioning are the reduction in the cost of work, the reduction in the time of work, the possibility of using the existing plant personnel and site infrastructure.

As the main provisions for the implementation of this strategy, the authors previously considered and proposed an algorithm for performing the organizational and technological sequence of NPP decommissioning works, which represent an enlarged sequence of the main decommissioning stages and require further detailing.

As a follow-up to the proposed sequential stages of decommissioning work, it is necessary to develop a single descriptive document detailing the decommissioning processes.

The main provisions of the block concept were developed on the basis of the currently valid concept for the decommissioning of nuclear installations, radiation sources and storage facilities of the State Corporation Rosatom, the Concept for the preparation and decommissioning of nuclear power plant units of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC, federal norms and regulations (NP- 001-15). Its purpose is to develop and specify the provisions of the basic concept in relation to one of the specific decommissioning objects – buildings, structures and nuclear power plant sites, as important potential sources of radiation and environmental hazards.

The organizational and technological components of these concepts, the main problematic issues oиwhich make it possible to form organizational and technological processes for decommissioning NPP that are unified for understanding


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NPP unit immediate dismantling radioactive wastes block concept decommissioning NPP unit nuclear reactor buildings and constructions and site NPP unit

Link for citing the article: Engovatov I.A., Ivanova A.I., Kovalenko Zh.A., Volkov V.G., Safronova N.N. Main Provisions of the Block Concept of Decommissioning of NPP Buildings and Facilities. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2023, no. 4, pp. 73-85; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2023.4.07 (in Russian).