01. System Levelized Fuel Cost of Electricity Generation in a Two-Component NES with a Closed Uranium-Plutonium NFC 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Nuclear power plants Zrodnikov A.V. Dekusar V.M. Gurskaya O.S.02. Increasing the Production of the Mo-99 Isotope by Modernizing the Design of Targets Irradiated in the Experimental Channels of the VVR-с Reactor 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactor Pakholik D.A. Kochnov O.Y. Kolesov V.V. Fomichev V.V.03. Analysis of Numerical Studies into the Thermal-Hydraulic and Coupled Neutronic and Thermal-Hydraulic Stability of Supercritical Water Reactors 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactor Sudzhyan A.M. Deev V.I. Kharitonov V.S.04. Studies of Critical Heat Fluxes in Small Diameter Channels 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Belozerov V.I.05. Minor Actinides Transmutation in Pressurized Water Reactors. 1. Multiple Recycling of Minor Actinides on the Example of One VVER Reactor 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Kazansky Y.A. Karpovich G.V.06. Expert Neural Network System for Diagnosing Еlectrically Actuated Valves 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Trykov E.L. Trykova I.V. Kotsoev K.I.07. Features of Methods for Monitoring the Tightness of the Cladding of Fuel Elements in Fast Breeder Reactors with Lead Coolant 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Dragunova A.V. Morkin M.S. Perevezentsev V.V.08. A Method to Optimize the Thermal Stability of Uranium-Gadolinium Fuel 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Nuclear materials Karpeeva А.E. Kolosovskiy V.G. Pakhomov D.S. Skomorokha А.E. Timoshin I.S.09. Methodology for Calculating the Criteria of Economic Efficiency of Investments in Nuclear Icebreakers 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Economics of nuclear power Klauz A.V. Frolov I.E. Kharitonov V.V. Shaeva A.A.10. Dynamic Statistical Assessment of the Competitiveness of an Energy Generating Company (as Exemplified by Rosenergoatom Concern JSC) 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Economics of nuclear power Burtseva T.A. Khvorostyannikov S.S. Kuznetsova A.A.11. Mathematical Modeling of Hydraulic Processes in the Collector Scheme of Connection of Pipelines of the Steam Generator Purge System of the Novovoronezh NPP-2 Power Unit No. 1 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Yaurov S.V. Borovoy A.V. Danilov А.D.12. Possibility of Simulating Natural Circulation in Fast Neutron Reactors Using a Light Water Test Facility 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Slobodchuk V.I. Uralov D.A. Avramova E.A.13. Synergetic Effects of the Combined Action of Carbon Ions and the Chemotherapy Drug Doxorubicin on HeLa Cancer Cells 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Nuclear medicine and biology Komarova L.N. Mel’nikova A.A. Baldov D.A.