01. Nuclear power as a basis for future electricity generation 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Current issues in nuclear energy Pioro I.L. Kirillov P.L.02. Prediction own energy consumption nuclear power plants using data mining methods 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Nuclear power plants Kleshchyova M.A. Nakhabov A.V.03. Investigation of the dependence testimony sector control system leak fuel cladding BN-600 reactor on the operational parameters 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Albutova O.I. Lukyanov D.A.04. Evaluation of instability of the metrological characteristics of research reactors measuring channels 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Berezhnoj D.A. Kravtsova S.E. Malovik K.H.05. Stand-alone hydrogen generator based on the chemical decomposition of water by aluminum 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Nuclear materials Milinchuk V.K. Klinshpont E.R. Belozerov V.I.06. Testing of the system code designed for simulation of hypothetical beyond design¬basis accident on fast breeder reactor 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Zaytsev A.A. Kazantsev A.A. Luk’yanov A.A. Supotnitskaya O.V. Semyonov V.N. Filippov M.F. Fokin A.L. Tsaun S.V.07. Modeling of direct conversion of uranium fission fragments kinetic energy to laser radiation energy in argon-xenon dusty plasma containing uranium nanoparticles 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Slyunyaev M.N. Budnik A.P. Sipachev A.V.08. Concerning hydrogen production on the base of nuclear technologies 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Application of nuclear tech Khorasanov G.L. Kolesov V.V. Korobeynikov V.V.09. Experience of computer technology usage within university training for future specialists of nuclear power plants under the «university-enterprise» program 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Personnel training Semenov V.K. Volman M.A. Zhuravlyova V.S.10. Experimental study of thermal and hydraulic characteristics of VK-300 reactor in solitary uptake tube model 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Serdun’ N.P. Ignatenko V.I. Kotikov G.S.11. The influence of axial-burnup distribution on Keff for casks with spent fuel 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Vnukov V.S. Kulikov V.I. Chkuaseli L.I.12. Improvement the value of sodium void reactivity effect of the fast neutron reactor by the instrumentality of the Monte Carlo code 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Maslov P.A. Matveev V.I. Malysheva I.V.13. Sensitivity coefficients of the neutron and physical reactor parameters to the fuel inventory parameters 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Demeneva I.V. Eliseev V.A. Korobeinikova L.V.14. Physical characteristics of the large size sodium cooled fast reactors with advanced nitride and metal fuel 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Matveev V.I. Malysheva I.V. Bur’evskij I.V.15. Application of zonality conceptual model of chronic effects of ionizing radiation for studying the behavior of radiostrontium in terrestrial ecosystems 9/01/2015 2015 - #02 Environmental aspects Shoshina R.R. Lavrentyeva G.V. Synzynys B.I.Full issue of journal #02 in 2015 (in Russian) 2/01/2015 2015 - #02