Kharitonov Vladimir Vitalievich Professor, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) MEPhI vvkharitonov@mephi.ruForecasting the Cost and Volume of Uranium Mining for different World Nuclear Energy Development Scenario 3/18/2024 2024 - #01 Economics of nuclear power Mirkhusanov U.T. Semenova D.Yu. Kharitonov V.V.Analytical Dependence of the Burnup on the Enrichment of Prospective Fuel and the Parameters of the Fuel Campaign of Reactors 9/25/2023 2023 - #03 Economics of nuclear power Semenov E.V. Kharitonov V.V.Calculation of Enriched Uranium Products Costs in Multi&Threaded Cascades of Enrichment Process 6/20/2022 2022 - #02 Economics of nuclear power Semenov E.V. Kharitonov V.V.Methodology for Calculating the Criteria of Economic Efficiency of Investments in Nuclear Icebreakers 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Economics of nuclear power Klauz A.V. Frolov I.E. Kharitonov V.V. Shaeva A.A.On Assessing the Efficiency of Investments in the Business Process Digitalization Program for NPP Design and Construction 6/15/2021 2021 - #02 Economics of nuclear power Semenova D.Yu. Kharitonov V.V.The value of spent nuclear fuel as a raw material for fueling reactors on thermal neutrons 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Soloveva A.P. Uliyanin Y.A. Kharitonov V.V. Yurshina D.Yu.From the planetary model of the atom to the first nuclear power plant 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 History of science Kharitonov V.V.Effect of delays in NPP construction on investment efficiency 9/20/2018 2018 - #03 Nuclear power plants Solov’yova A.P. Kharitonov V.V. Shmakov O.G.Nuclear perspectives at exhausting trends of traditional energy resources 11/28/2017 2017 - #04 Current issues in nuclear energy Uliyanin Y.A. Kharitonov V.V. Yurshina D.Yu.Criteria of return on investment in nuclear energy 6/21/2017 2017 - #02 Environmental aspects Kharitonov V.V. Kosterin N.N.At the 100 years anniversary of Bohr atom model 5/11/2013 2013 - #03 History of science Kharitonov V.V.