Shmelev Anatoly N. professor MEPhI shmelan@mail.ruMultilayer Neutron Reflectors 12/20/2024 2024 - #04 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A. Kulikov G.G. Kulikov E.G.A Possibility for Large-Scale Production of 238Pu for Radioisotope Thermoelectrical Generators in a Supercritical Light-Water Reactor 9/20/2024 2024 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A. Glebov V.B. Kulikov G.G. Kulikov E.G. Kruglikov A.E.Assessment of the possibility for large-scale 238Pu production in a VVER-1000 power reactor 9/25/2023 2023 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Shmelev A.N. Geraskin N.I. Apse V.A. Kulikov G.G. Kulikov E.G. Glebov V.B.Neutronic Foundations for Large-Scale Production of 238Pu for Independent Energy Sources 6/22/2023 2023 - #02 Physics in nuclear power engineering Kulikov G.G. Shmelev A.N. Glebov V.B. Apse V.A. Kulikov E.G.Application of Small Perturbation Theory for Assessing Variations of Prompt Neutron Lifetime in a Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor 3/28/2023 2023 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Apse V.A. Shmelev A.N. Kulikov G.G. Kulikov E.G.Comprehensive Analysis of Proliferation Protection of Uranium due to the Presence of 232U and its Decay Products 6/20/2022 2022 - #02 Physics in nuclear power engineering Kulikov G.G. Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A. Kulikov E.G.Proliferation Protection of Uranium Due to the Presence of 232U Decay Products as Intense Sources of Hard Gamma Radiation 1/20/2022 2022 - #01 Physics in nuclear power engineering Kulikov G.G. Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A. Kulikov E.G.On a significant deceleration of the kinetics of fast transient processes in a fast reactor 9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Nuclear power plants Kulikov G.G. Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A. Kulikov E.G.Safety of a fast reactor with a reflector containing a moderator with heavy atomic weight and weak neutron absorption 12/05/2019 2019 - #04 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Kulikov G.G. Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A. Kulikov E.G.Quantitative evaluation of plutonium proliferation protection 6/22/2018 2018 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Kulikov E.G. Kulikov G.G. Apse V.A. Shmelev A.N. Geraskin N.I.Calculational model and physical and technical factors that determine plutonium proliferation protection 3/23/2018 2018 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Kulikov E.G. Kulikov G.G. Apse V.A. Shmelev A.N. Geraskin N.I.Protactinium-231 – new burnable neutron absorber 10/02/2017 2017 - #03 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Kulikov G.G. Kulikov E.G. Shmelev A.N. Apse V.A.Fuel cycle of Russian nuclear power with involvement of thorium resources and thermonuclear neutron source with Th-blanket 3/28/2016 2016 - #01 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Kulikov G.G. Shmelev A.N. Geraskin N.I. Kulikov E.G. Apse V.A.