Yarygin Valeriy Ivanovich Chief Researcher, Professor, Dr. Sci (Engineering) JSC «SSC RF-IPPE n.a. A.I. Leypunsky» ecs-yar@ippe.ruThe modern information-measuring complex for investigations and tests of thermionic heat to electricity converters 6/22/2018 2018 - #02 Physics and methods for direct conversion of nuclear energy Kirillov A.S. Yarygin V.I.Program code for three-dimensional calculation of output characteristics for single-сell thermionic fuel element of thermionic nuclear power plant for various purposes 6/21/2017 2017 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Polous M.A. Solov’yev D.I. Yarygin V.I.Loop tests of thermionic fuel elements in the AM reactor 12/29/2014 2014 - #04 History of science Yarygin V.I.Nuclear power of direct conversion in space missions of the 21st century 7/14/2013 2013 - #02 Current issues in nuclear energy Yarygin V.I.Program for Three-Dimensional Numerical Computation of Thermal and Electrical Properties of a Multicell Thermionic Fuel Element for the Direct Energy Conversion NPP 7/14/2012 2012 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Polous M.A. Yarygin V.I. Vinogradov E.G.Indirect Method of Determining the Efficiency of a Thermionic Reactor for Space 5/29/2012 2012 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Brezhnev A.I. Vinogradov E.G. Linnik V.A. Ovcharenko M.K. Pyshko A.P. Yuriev Yu.S. Yarygin V.I.