Bereznev Valerij Pavlovich Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Engineering.) Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Neutron-Physical Codes CORNER and MCU-FR on Models of Advanced Fast Neutron Reactors 3/28/2023 2023 - #01 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Bereznev V.P. Koltashev D.A. Shurygin R.E.Simulating a Lead&Cooled Reactor Campaign Using the EUCLID/V1 Code 6/20/2022 2022 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Belov A.A. Bereznev V.P. Blokhina G.S. Veprev D.P. Koltashev D.A. Potapov V.S. Chertovskikh O.I. Shershov A.V.Using the diffusion approximation for reactor with cavities calculations 6/22/2018 2018 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Seleznyov E.F. Bereznev V.P.Nodal SN method for HEX-Z-geometry 10/23/2015 2015 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Bereznev V.P.The «CORNER» neutronics calculation code 4/04/2015 2015 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Bereznev V.P. Seleznyov E.F. Asatrian D.S.