Terekhova Anna Mihajlovna Senior Lecturer Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» AMTerekhova@mephi.ruInvestigation of the possibility of Am-241 incineration and transmutation in ameritium-fueled reactor 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Korobeynikov V.V. Karazhelevskaya Yu.E. Kolesov V.V. Terehova A.M.Small power lead fast reactor for purposes of education 10/23/2015 2015 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Samokhin D.S. Khorasanov G.L. Tormyshev I.V. Zemskov E.A. Gostev A.L. Terehova A.M. Kuz’michyov S.A.Neutronics of BRIG-300 breeder reactor 4/04/2015 2015 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Samokhin D.S. Znak I.M. Terehova A.M.