Ivanov Sergey Nikolaevich Leading Resaercher, Cand. Sci. (Engineering) JSC «SSC RF-IPPE n.a. A.I. Leypunsky» ivanovsn@ippe.ruExamination of Fuel Elements Irradiated in the Reactor of the World’s First NPP After Long-Term Storage 9/23/2022 2022 - #03 Nuclear materials Ivanov S.N. Porollo S.I. Shulepin S.V. Baranayev Yu.D. Timofeev V.F. Kharizomenov Yu.V.Corrosion tests in water of fuel pins irradiated in the world’s first NPP reactor 9/30/2019 2019 - #03 Decommissioning Ivanov S.N. Porollo S.I. Baranayev Yu.D. Timofeev V.F. Kharizomenov Yu.V.