Anfimov Ilya Mikhailovich Engineer National Research Technological University MISIS ilan@tzirechnoy.comSimulation of a Thermonuclear Plant with an Internal Catalytic Cycle 6/15/2021 2021 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Stolbov S.N. Drobyshevsky Yu.V. Anfimov I.M. Varlachev V.A. Kobeleva S.P. Nekrasov S.A. Korzhenevsky A.V.Modeling of Closed Internal Fuel Cycle of a Nuclear Reactor 3/18/2021 2021 - #01 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Drobyshevsky Yu.V. Stolbov S.N. Anfimov I.M. Varlachev V.A. Kobeleva S.P. Nekrasov S.A. Korzhenevsky A.V.Experimental confirmation of a new method for selective neutron separation 9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Drobyshevsky Yu.V. Anfimov I.M. Varlachev V.A. Kobeleva S.P. Nekrasov S.A. Stolbov S.N.