Technological leadership in nuclear decommissioning: the needs in human resource development
3/19/2020 2020 - #01 Personnel training
Melikhova E.M. Abalkina I.L. Kondratenko P.S. Ksenofontov A.I.
UDC: 621.039.7
Expanding efforts on decommissioning shutdown nuclear facilities represent the long-term, large-scale and ambitious strategic direction for the Rosatom State Nuclear Energy Corporation. The present paper provides estimated numbers of different types of nuclear facilities to be decommissioned and the duration of various stages of these works. Technical complexity and high cost of decommissioning nuclear and radiation hazardous facilities associated with the uniqueness of some nuclear objects as well with systematic disregard of specific decommissioning problems during the design and operation stages are also noted. Rosatom’s focus on the technological leadership in this area requires preparation in a timely manner of qualified and motivated personnel. The paper readdresses the key IAEA requirements for training and managing human resources for the final phases of decommissioning of nuclear installations, as well as discusses the Rosatom achievements in this field. The centers of competence as pertains to certain types of decommissioning operations already formed in a number of Russian industrial enterprises and scientific institutes are named. It is demonstrated that the key step in developing effective training system for Rosatom’s new area of activities is to formulate a strategic vision of how and when human resources must be used and what specific competencies are needed during the final stages of the nuclear facilities’ life cycle. Analysis of relevant experience of the Rosatom’s Scientific-Technical Board No.10 «Ecology and radiation safety» reveals that sizeable potential associated with optimization of radiation protection is underused now. The paper emphasizes the need for multidisciplinary training of nuclear decommissioning project managers with compulsory studying of the basics of radiobiology and radioecology, design management and risk management.
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final stages of life cycle of nuclear facilities decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous objects education and training of personnel for nuclear decommissioning radiation protection optimization
Link for citing the article: Melikhova E.M., Abalkina I.L., Kondratenko P.S., Ksenofontov A.I. Technological leadership in nuclear decommissioning: the needs in human resource development. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2020, no. 1, pp. 154-165; DOI: (in Russian).