Radioactive decay data uncertainties library of isotopes for ABBN constant system
4/04/2015 2015 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors
UDC: 621.039.51.17
Most of evaluated data libraries ENDF/B-7 in USA, JEFF-3.11 in EU countries, JENDL-4.0 in Japan have evaluated decay data for radioactive isotopes. As usual these data are presented at international format ENDF-6. Such format isn’t suitable for engineering calculation, so data are rewritten in other formats. ABBN- constant library is one of the most used.
This article contains the creation results of uncertainty data library of decay data at the ABBN-format. The analyses of different evaluations are presented, as well calculation results of these uncertainties on the test task.
As the result 3821 files were processed from ENDF/B-7, 3852 files – from JEFF-3.11, 1264 files – from JENDL-4.0. and tables with decay data at ABBN-format were formed. The evaluations of decay data uncertainties were made. It was found that differences in evaluations are not large, though sometimes are more than uncertainties in ENDF/B-7 and JEFF-3.11. As a rule uncertainties in different libraries are agree.
The evaluation of uncertainty at energy calculation for case of test model BNK showed adequacy of new data.
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uncertainties radioactive decay radionuclide radioactive decay data library energy release ABBN ENDF/B-7 JEFF-3.11 JENDL-4.0 SCALE
Link for citing the article: Barabanova D.S., Zherdev G.M. Radioactive decay data uncertainties library of isotopes for ABBN constant system. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2015, no. 1, pp. 150-156; DOI: (in Russian).