galliumLiquid metal technology of synthesis of ALOOH anisotropic nanostructured aerogel 12/25/2016 2016 - #04 Nuclear materials Askhadullin R.Sh. Osipov A.A. Skobeev D.A.Photoneutrons for neutron capture therapy 12/29/2014 2014 - #04 Application of nuclear tech Kurachenko Y.A.Synthesis of nanostructural materials from metal fusions and prospect of their use in various areas of science and technics 7/14/2014 2014 - #02 Nuclear materials Askhadullin R.Sh. Osipov A.A.Innovative technology developed in SSC RF-IPPE 5/29/2014 2014 - #01 Current issues in nuclear energy Rachkov V.I. Martynov P.N. Askhadullin R.Sh. Grigorov V.V. Denisova N.A. Loginov N.I. Mel’nikov V.P. Mikheev A.S. Portjanoj A.G. Serdun E.N. Sorokin A.P. Storozhenko A.N. Ulyanov V.V. Yagodkin I.V.