Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Innovative technology developed in SSC RF-IPPE

5/29/2014 2014 - #01 Current issues in nuclear energy

Rachkov V.I. Martynov P.N. Askhadullin R.Sh. Grigorov V.V. Denisova N.A. Loginov N.I. Mel’nikov V.P. Mikheev A.S. Portjanoj A.G. Serdun E.N. Sorokin A.P. Storozhenko A.N. Ulyanov V.V. Yagodkin I.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.1.02

UDC: 621. 039. 534

Results of researches and developments with the use of heavy liquid metal coolants (lead, lead-bismuth euctetic (an alloy of 44,5% Pb – 55,5% Bi), gallium) carried out in SSC RF IPPE in the field of direct-contact liquid metal technology for obtaining water vapour, sweet water, syngas and hydrogen, of liquid metal technology of nanostructured oxides and aerogels synthesis, of technology for plasma-chemical synthesis of multifunctional nanostructured coatings (membranes) on porous carriers of filter elements for potable waterpurification, recycling of technical liquids at a nuclear power station and nuclear industry factories (removal of radionuclides from water), in chemical enterprises (purification of industrial waste water), galvanic works (purification and partial restoration of electrolytes), in mineral resource industry (for isolating such valuable impuritiesas gold, nickel, silver, etc. from solutions), in iron and steel industry (for purification of circulating water from mechanical impurities) are presented. The results of developments in the area of liquid metal heat pipes, including those designed for making a chemical reactor to convert hydrocarbon feedstock into a mix of aromatic hydrocarbons, the results of the researches carried out on scientific and technical basis for lyophobic capillary-porous systems energy technology and development of devices with their use (accumulators and energy converters, liquid pressurizers, dampers, passive accident protection devices for thermal, space and atomic engineering) are stated. The description of the monitoring systems developed for monitoring oxygen and hydrogen content in gas and liquid media, including those onesdeveloped for early detection and control of combustible and explosive gases is presented.


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innovative technology liquid metal coolants lead gallium sodium water vapour sweet water syngas hydrogen direct-contact technology nanostructured oxides and aerogels plasma chemical synthesis of multifunctional nanostructured coating heat pipes lyophobic capillary-porous systems atomic industry chemical manufacture metallurgy

Link for citing the article: Rachkov V.I., Martynov P.N., Askhadullin R.Sh., Grigorov V.V., Denisova N.A., Loginov N.I., Mel’nikov V.P., Mikheev A.S., Portjanoj A.G., Serdun E.N., Sorokin A.P., Storozhenko A.N., Ulyanov V.V., Yagodkin I.V. Innovative technology developed in SSC RF-IPPE. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2014, no. 1, pp. 16-38; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.1.02 (in Russian).