Manuscripts preparation rules
Authors should prepare manuscripts in accordance with the industry-specific standard «Authors’ Manuscripts and Texts for Publication» (ОСТ 29.115—88). They should meet the following requirements:
1. The hard copy should be printed on A4 paper; font - Times New Roman; size – 12 pt.; line spacing – 1.5; (one-side printing). Manuscript structure:
* UDC index;
* title (please avoid abbreviations where possible, a maximum of 15 words);
* author names (please provide last name and initials);
* institutional affiliation (place of work or study) for each author with regular mail address and zip code;
* abstract (150 – 300 words long);
* key words (10 – 12 words);
* full text of the paper (no figures and tables);
* list of references or cited literature (a maximum of 18 Russian and foreign sources);
* information about the author(s): surname, full first name and patronymic, degree, position, institutional affiliation (place of work or study), contact phones, e-mail;
* tables;
* figures with captions;
* UDC index;
* title (in English);
* author last names and initials (in English);
* institutional affiliation (place of work or study) for each author with regular mail address and zip code (in English);
* abstract (150-300 words in English);
* key words in English (please make sure keywords in Russian and English are the same);
* list of references (use transliteration (, BGN style) for Romanization of names of cited authors, titles of sources written in Cyrillic letters. Please provide titles of sources in English as well);
* information about the author(s)(in English): surname, full first name and patronymic, academic degree, position, institutional affiliation (place of work or study), contact phones, e-mail;
2. Manuscripts are also submitted in electronic form as files prepared in MS Word in page layout mode; font - Times New Roman; size – 12 pt.; line spacing – 1.5; fit to the width; all margins should be 20 mm. The file should have the name suffix *.doc (or *.rtf) with no macros attached. The file name should start with the name of the first author in the Latin script (for example, Romanov.doc or Romanov.rtf). For tables and captions please use Arial Narrow (size – 9 pt.), single-spaced, with three-point intervals before and after each paragraph. All tables should be numbered, and each table should have a heading. Please avoid any abbreviations (except the established ones) in the tables. Each figure and each table should be submitted as a separate file (e.g., VolkovRis1.jpg, GaninaTab1.doc etc.). Captions attached to figures and field headings in tables should be presented in Russian. Illustrations are created with the use of such graphic editors as Paint, PhotoShop, CorelDraw, etc. The resolution of color or grayscale TIFF format photographs (halftones) should be 300 dpi. When formatting tables and figures, please make sure that they fit the maximum size of the journal page of 135 mm × 215 mm. The figures should contain minimum notation, please use numbers left to right or clockwise or letters in Russian. Explanations for figures should be included in the captions which start with the words «Fig. N», where N shows the numerical order in which the figure is referred to in the text. If there are several different graphs in the same figure, each of them should be labeled in letters of the Cyrillic alphabet а), б), в), etc. and explained in the captions. A full explanation should be provided in the text of the paper.
The text of the paper should be concise and clear and should not contain descriptive generalizations and copybook maxims. Please avoid repetitions in the text of the paper, tables and captions. Please ensure that uniformity is observed when using the terms, nomenclature, units of measurements, abbreviations and symbolic notation. The nomenclature and designation of physical quantities should be given in the SI system.
Letters of the Latin alphabet should be printed in italics (a, b, c). Greek letters (α, β, γ), Cyrillic letters (А, Б, В), numbers and brackets should be printed in Roman type. Mathematical symbols lim, lg, ln, arg, const, min, max, etc. and names of chemical elements should be printed in Roman type. It is recommended that a nonbreaking space be placed between the numerical value of the quantity and its dimensionality (Shift+Ctrl+Space). Hyphenation should be used throughout the text of the paper. Spaces should not be used for text formatting. Distinction should be made between the hyphen, the minus sign and the dash.
Please follow the same requirements for the typeface of characters when writing subscripts in formulas. Symbols for vectors and matrices should be printed in upright bold type. The formulas included in the text lines should be printed without increasing the line spacing, for example, exp (–λt), π/2. The letter symbols for quantities in formulas should be explained immediately. The formulas should be numbered using Arabic numerals, and the numbers should be placed on the right side of the page in round brackets. Subscripts and superscripts should be printed using the keyboard (A1, м3, etc.). If it is impossible to print a formula using the keyboard, Equation 3.0 or MathType software can be used. Greek letters should be inserted using the Symbol command in the Insert menu. The formula and its number should not be more than 135 mm long. Lengthy formulas should be split at the +, -, and = signs.Abstracts in Russian and English should be informative (they should not contain descriptive generalizations), concise (they should provide a summary of the major points of the research and its results) and structured (they should follow the logic of presenting the results in the paper). Please provide accurate English terminology and ensure that the terms used in the paper are in line with established usage. Use the active voice in general, although it is perfectly acceptable to use the passive voice if this enhances conciseness and clarity.
Reference cited in the text should be numbered in the order of appearance using Arabic numerals placed in square brackets. The list of references should be arranged in the same order as the references appear in the text of the paper. The list of references (or Cited Literature) should be made in accordance with the Russian National Standard «Bibliographic References. General Requirements and Rules» (GOST R 7.0.5–2008). In particular, it is necessary to provide the following information:
- for journal papers – author last names and initials (in italics), title of the paper, title of the journal (without inverted commas), date of publication, volume, issue, number, pages (first and last pages);
- for books – author last names and initials (in italics), full title of the book, place of publication, publisher (without inverted commas), date of publication;
- for thesis abstracts – author last names and initials (in italics), title of the thesis abstract, degree the thesis seeks, place and date of the thesis defense at a viva voce examination;
- for preprints – author last names and initials (in italics), title of the preprint, institutional affiliation, code and number, place and date of publication;
- for patents – author last names and initials (in italics), title of the patent, country, patent number and class, date of patent application and publication;
- for reports – author last names and initials (in italics), title of the report, registration number, institutional affiliation, date of issue;
- for electronic sources – location of an online source (for example, a database or web address); please provide an accurate access date (that is, identify when a source was viewed or downloaded).
International abstract and citation databases of peer-reviewed literature (Web of Science, Scopus and others) require that Russian journals present the bibliographic list for each paper using the Latin alphabet (Roman type) as «References». Proper presentation of the sources used in the bibliographic list for each paper facilitates an appropriate assessment of the publication activity of Russian-speaking authors and the institutions they are affiliated with. It should be noted that the Russian National Standard «Bibliographic References. General Requirements and Rules» (GOST R 7.0.5–2008) which Russian-speaking authors are guided by when preparing the bibliographic list for their papers is not applicable to «References» in the Latin alphabet, because foreign standards for bibliographic lists make no provision for the use of separating characters (// and –). Please note that whereas it is acceptable that some authors are not mentioned in the Russian list of references (indicated by «et al.»), it is absolutely necessary that all authors be listed in References in English.
In «References», the titles of the papers written in languages using alphabets other than the Latin alphabet should be translated into English, whereas the titles of Russian journals should be transliterated (except those which have an official English title). The reference should also indicate the language in which the original paper was written (for example, (in Russian)). If papers from Russian journals have been translated into other languages, it is preferable to give references to the translated versions. Names of books, collected works and conference proceedings in Russian should be transliterated, translated into English and placed in square brackets. The names of publishers should also be transliterated. Please go to to use several versions of the program for transliterating Russian texts free of charge.