Zrodnikov Anatoly Vasilyevich Scientific Advisor of Director, Professor, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math) JSC «SSC RF-IPPE n.a. A.I. Leipunsky» azrodnikov@ippe.ruSystem Levelized Fuel Cost of Electricity Generation in a Two-Component NES with a Closed Uranium-Plutonium NFC 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Nuclear power plants Zrodnikov A.V. Dekusar V.M. Gurskaya O.S.Multi-criteria analysis of the efficiency of the scenarios for the development of nuclear power engineering in Russia under conditions of uncertainty of knowledge about the future 9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Current issues in nuclear energy Zrodnikov A.V. Moseev A.L. Egorov A.F. Dekusar V.M.Problems of nuclear-laser power engineering and methods of their solution 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Current issues in nuclear energy Dyachenko P.P. Zrodnikov A.V. Kukharchuk O.F. Suvorov A.A.