Pronyaev Vladimir Grigorevich Leading Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.) Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, NRNU MEPhI vgpronyaev@yandex.ruRelations for calculating the transport and thermodynamic properties of lead-bismuth eutectics 3/19/2020 2020 - #01 Chemistry, physics and technology of reactor coolants Chusov I.A. Pronyaev V.G. Novikov G.E. Obysov N.A.Format for storing data from thermodynamic and thermophysical experiment 9/30/2019 2019 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Pronyaev V.G. Novikov G.E. Chusov I.A. Didenko V.I.Ontologies and databases on thermophysical properties of nuclear reactor materials 3/25/2019 2019 - #01 Current issues in nuclear energy Chusov I.A. Kirillov P.L. Pronyaev V.G. Erkimbaev A.O. Zitserman V.Yu. Kobzev G.A. Fokin L.R.