Nikulin Evgenij Valer’evich 2nd Category Physics Engineer Joint Stock Company «Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry» jaki07@mail.ruExperience in the Production of 99Mo from Low Enriched Uranium 12/16/2023 2023 - #04 application of nuclear tech Kochnov O.Y. Stepanov V.I. Pakholik D.A. Kolesov V.V. Nikulin E.V.Determining the Temperature Coefficient of Reactivity of the VVR-ts Reactor in the Operating Temperature Range 12/14/2022 2022 - #04 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Kochnov O.Y. Pakholik D.A. Nikulin E.V. Kolesov V.V.Safety assessment for the MBIR reactor using the RELAP code 5/11/2014 2014 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Nikulin E.V. Sobolev A.V. Volkov Yu.V.