Al Malkawi Rashdan Talal Ph.D. National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI» rashdanmalkawi@gmail.comInvestigation of Algorithms for Suppressing Xenon Oscillations in a VVER-1200 Reactor 6/20/2022 2022 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Soloviev D.A. Khachatryan A.G. Chernov E.V. Al Malkawi R.T.Investigation of the impact of steady-state VVER-1000 core characteristics on the reactor stability with respect to xenon oscillations 9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Al Malkawi R.T. Batayneh O.W.A research of VVER-1200 reactor core control algorithms for implementation of flexible (load tracing) operating modes 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Current issues in nuclear energy Vygovskiy S.B. Al Malkawi R.T. Khachatryan A.G.Study of the dependence of the cladding – fuel pellet gap conductance coefficient on the fuel burn-up and the effects on the neutronic characteristics of the reactor core 11/15/2018 2018 - #04 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Vygovskiy S.B. Gruzdov F.V. Al Malkawi R.T.