Alekseev Sergej Gennad’evich Senior Researcher, Cand. Sci (Chemistry) Ural Institute of State Fire Service of EMERCOM of Russia 3608113@mail.ruComputer-simulated thermodynamic behavior of radionuclides U, Cl, Pu, Be, Ni, Am when radioactive graphite is heated in a carbon dioxide atmosphere 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Barbin N.M. Sidash I.A. Terentiev D.I. Alekseyev S.G.Computer modeling of thermal processes with calcium, strontium and cesium radionuclides when radioactive graphite is heated in the carbon dioxide atmosphere 3/22/2017 2017 - #01 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Barbin N.M. Sidash I.A. Terentiev D.I. Alekseyev S.G.