Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

9/20/2024 2024 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities

Gorbunov V.A. Lonshakov N.A. Teplyakova S.S. Mechtaeva M.N. Mineev P.A.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.3.10

UDC: 621.039.4

The paper presents the results of developing an intelligent decision support system for analyzing the operating quality of turbine feed pumps at the Kalinin NPP. An algorithm is described for the intelligent system development based on the neural network simulation technology, which is based on the development of a digital twin of a turbine feed pump consisting of a steam turbine, a feed pump, a reducer, steam distribution devices, an automation circuit of control devices, a drive turbine condenser, and a booster pump. The software package was developed based on statistical data obtained in the process of the turbine feed pumps operation. The intelligent decision-making system is based on analyzing the efficiency of the turbine feed pump operation and rationalizing their operating modes in accordance with technically sound energy consumption standards. The computing components for this software package are designed individually for each turbine feed pump based on data from a passive industrial experiment, which makes it possible to take into account the technical condition and peculiarities of the operating mode of each individual element. To build a digital twin, target functions were proposed which reflect the energy efficiency of the pump operation, and variable parameters were investigated from among the number of independent ones. Based on a cluster analysis, the influence of groups of independent parameters on the target function was studied. The results of the intelligent decision support system development for the plant personnel are presented. The results of using the developed software package are presented, and the comparison of the results obtained for the turbine feed pumps of the V-338 and V-320 NPP units is analyzed. The technology application makes it possible to determine the effect of each parameter on the energy efficiency of turbine feed pumps in a given range of operating conditions with a high degree of accuracy. When using the optimization unit built into the computing complex, the intelligent decision-making system allows one to obtain optimal values of the turbine feed pump efficiency and specific heat consumption while varying the parameters set.


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nuclear power plants turbine feed pump neural network simulation efficiency specific cost of thermal energy BOP energy

Link for citing the article: Gorbunov V.A., Lonshakov N.A., Teplyakova S.S., Mechtaeva M.N., Mineev P.A. . Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2024, no. 3, pp. 125-140; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.3.10 (in Russian).