Gorbynov Vladimir Alexandrovich Associate Professor, Dr. Sci. (Engineering) Ivanovo State Power University n.a. V.I. Lenin gorbynov.w@mai.ruInvestigation of the Influence of the Fuel Element Design Parameter on the VVER-1000 Reactor Axial Power Peaking Factor 6/22/2023 2023 - #02 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Gorbunov V.A. Teplyakova S.S. Lonshakov N.A. Andrianov S.G. Mineev P.A.Development of the model to determine the fuel temperature field in a two-dimensional problem statement 6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Gorbunov V.A. Ivanova N.B. Lonshakov N.A. Belov Ya.V.