Analytical version of the resonance coupled-channel model for D + T → 5He** → α + n reaction and its application for the description of low-energy D-T AND D-3He scattering
6/24/2019 2019 - #02 Physics in nuclear power engineering
Godes A.I. Kudriavtseva A.S. Shablov V.L.
UDC: 539.17.01
The purpose of the present paper is the formulation of the analytical version of the resonance coupled-channel model (RCCM) originally developed for D + T → 5He** → → α + n reaction. The integral in the denominator of the Breit-Wigner type is examined in the expression for S-matrix elements of binary processes in this model. Imaginary part of this integral determines the energy-dependent decay width for the near-threshold channel. It is shown that this integral can be calculated explicitly with the Binet representation for the ψ -function (the logarithmic derivation of the gamma function). As the result the explicit expression for the S-matrix elements in the form of analytical functions of the channel momenta are obtained and the equivalence of the RCCM and the effective range approximation (Landau - Smorodinsky - Bethe approximation) is established on this basis. This allows expressing the parameters of the RCCM through the model independent system characteristics: the complex scattering length and the complex effective range. Several sets of model parameters of both approaches that provide a good description of the measured data on D + T → α + n reaction and D-T elastic scattering are derived. By this means we find the location of the S-matrix poles on different Riemann sheets which corresponds to Jπ = (3/2)+ state of 5He and 5Li. In particular, the location of the resonance (R) and shadow (S) poles is determined: 5He**: ZR = 46.9 – i37.2 (keV) ZS = 81.7 – i3.5 (keV) 5Li**: ZR = 205.7 – i146.8 (keV) ZS = 264.4 + i112.0 (keV).
Our results agree well with previous findings. The possible generalizations of the results obtained are discussed.
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thermonuclear reactions resonance coupled channel method effective range approximation S-matrix poles resonance and shadow poles Jπ = (3/2)+ state of the 5He and 5Li
Link for citing the article: Godes A.I., Kudriavtseva A.S., Shablov V.L. Analytical version of the resonance coupled-channel model for D + T → 5He** → α + n reaction and its application for the description of low-energy D-T AND D-3He scattering. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2019, no. 2, pp. 198-207; DOI: (in Russian).