Treatment with large radiation contaminated tanks at the decommissioning of the research building «B» VNIINM
3/25/2019 2019 - #01 Decommissioning
Kuznetsov A.Y. Azovskov M.E. Belousov S.V. Vereshchagin I.I. Efremov A.E. Khlebnikov S.V.
UDC: 546.798.22+621.039.7…16
The article presents the results of works on dismantling the equipment BRHS research building «B» VNIINM. The work was carried out within the framework of the withdrawal of building «B» from service. The purpose of the dismantling of large capacitive equipment – creating a place BRHS plot for RW management, form-corresponding with the decommissioning building «B». Works on decommissioning of the radioactively contaminated building within the megalopolis were carried out for the first time.
The characteristics of large-size capacitive equipment are presented. Radiation contamination of capacitive equipment is determined by long-lived α-emitting isotopes: 235U, 238U, 239Pu. The sequence of works on the dismantling of radiation-contaminated capacitive equipment, which includes preparatory work, dismantling of tank binding, localization of radioactive contamination of the external surface of the equipment, its dismantling, moving to the transport container.
Dismantling and decontamination of large-size capacitive equipment was carried out by the forces of the decommissioning Department of VNIINM. During the work used the following tools: for decontamination works - mobile installation of foam decontamination, mobile high-pressure installation for applying a containment and decontamination coating films. Dismantling of tanks was made by means of the little spark equipment-saber saws. To move the dismantled equipment to the transport container, crane tracks were created, the movement was carried out with the help of a winch.
The main results of works on dismantling and decontamination of radioactively-contaminated eat bones are: 4 units of dismantled equipment of long column type high the from 4.2 m to 6.4 m; 26 dismantled tanks and equipment (maximum equipment capacity 8 m3); the inner surface of the contaminated equipment was decontamination (the ratio of decontamination was 25 – 70). As a result of decontamination works reduced activity of RW (changed class of radioactive waste 3 to 4).
The main conclusion on the treatment of large-size radiation-contaminated tanks during the decommissioning of the research building «B» works were organized and carried out at a high technical level, with the use of modern decontamination and dismantling equipment and the use of modern methods of ensuring the safety of work in the conditions of the location of the VNIINM site in Moscow.
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decommissioning radiation-contaminated equipment tanks extraction column dismantling uranium plutonium foam decontamination radioactive waste
Link for citing the article: Kuznetsov A.Y., Azovskov M.E., Belousov S.V., Vereshchagin I.I., Efremov A.E., Khlebnikov S.V. Treatment with large radiation contaminated tanks at the decommissioning of the research building «B» VNIINM. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2019, no. 1, pp. 107-118; DOI: (in Russian).