Library of graphic symbols for power equipment in the scalable vector graphics format
12/25/2015 2015 - #04 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities
UDC: 620.9:006.354:003.62:744:004.92
This paper describes the results of creation and application of library of graphic symbols of elements of power equipment under standards GOST 21.403=80 «Equipment energy», 2.789=74 «heat exchangers». The library is implemented in the format scalable vector graphics (SVG). The obtained solutions are in line with well known works on creation of parametrical libraries of fragments of the legend elements, schematics, and blueprints in systems design for different purposes. The SVG format is designed for use in web applications, so the SVG code for the items of power equipment in compliance with GOST 21.403=80, 2.789=74 is a necessary stage in the development of web programs of the thermodynamic optimization of power plants. One of the main arguments in favor of the SVG format is that it can be integrated with the calculated codes. So, in the process control systems, developed on the web=platform, the SVG format provides a dynamic user interface, giving functionality to mimic and change their composition depending on the availability and condition of equipment. An important basis for the development and use of the SVG format is that this format becomes a means of electronic document circulation in the sphere of design documentation within the framework of international standardization and unification of formats of information exchange. In work it is shown the effectiveness of format SVG for the layout of diagrams of power equipment. The library is intended for use in solving specific production problems associated with the analysis of thermal schemes of power plants and in the training of students. Library and related materials are available on the Internet. Formulated a number of proposals for the further development of the library.
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CAD power equipment scalable vector graphics SVG data exchange
Link for citing the article: Yuferov A.G. Library of graphic symbols for power equipment in the scalable vector graphics format. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2015, no. 4, pp. 79-89; DOI: (in Russian).