Editor-in Chief's Page
Yuriy Alekseyevich Kazansky - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (1978), Professor (1985), Academician of the International Academy of Higher Schooling Sciences (1994), Honored Worker in Science and Technology of Russia (1995).
Born on October 18, 1930, in St. Petersburg.
Received a diploma as an engineer-physicist in 1954 from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (now National Research Nuclear University MEPhI).
From 1954 to 1985, he worked at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise FIAN. His main areas of interest were miniaturized radiation protection for submarines, physics and technology of reactors on fast neutrons (experimental and physical research of active zones of reactors and their models, fuel cycle, particularly problems of transmutation, kinetics, and dynamics of nuclear reactors).
From 1985 to 2001, he was the Rector of the Obninsk Institute of Atomic Energy.
Since 2001, he has been a Professor at the Department of Reactor Calculation and Design at MEPhI.
Scientific-public work: Chief Editor of a journal, member of the editorial board of another journal. Member of the Presidium of the Nuclear Society of Russia.
Awarded with the Order of Honor, Medal for Labor Merit, and Medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland II degree for his works on atomic submarines and for calculation-experimental research on reactors on fast neutrons.
Honorary citizen of the city of Obninsk.
+7 (484) 397-94-90, доб. 132