Sazykina T.G.
Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist
Institute for Problems of Environmental Monitoring of the Research and Production Association «Typhoon»
Assessment and prognosis of radioecological impact of the radioactive wastes storage sites of the «North-West Territorial District» Leningrad branch of FGUP «RosRAO»
7/14/2012 2012 - #03 Environmental aspects
Kryshev I.I. Pahomov A.Y. Brykin S.N. Boulgakov V.G. Sazykina T.G. Pahomova I.A. Serebryakov I.S. Roznova N.S. Kryshev A.I. Gaziev I.Y. Lunyova K.V. Dmitrieva M.A.