Fedoseev V.E. Senior Scientist JSC «SSC RIAR»Calculations in support of MIR research reactor conversion to lowenriched fue 12/29/2013 2013 - #04 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Izhutov A.L. Maynskov S.V. Pimenov V.V. Starkov V.A. Fedoseev V.E.Tests of experimentel low neutron poisoning fuel assemblies in reactor SM 7/14/2013 2013 - #02 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Klinov A.V. Kalinina N.K. Marikhin N.Yu. Pimenov V.V. Petelin A.L. Starkov V.A. Fedoseev V.E.Simulation of loop test conditions for the modified SM reactor fuel rods and test results in justification of their performance 7/14/2013 2013 - #02 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Starkov V.A. Fedoseev V.E. Shishin V.Yu.