Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

On Application of the Thermal and Nuclear Power Experience to Select Water Chemistry for the VVER-SKD Innovative Reactor Plant. Part 2

9/20/2024 2024 - #03 Chemistry, physics and technology of reactor coolants

Yurchevsky E.B. Semishkin V.P. Chusov I.A. Bezrukov Y.A. Kavun O.Y. Sharyi N.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.3.07

UDC: 621.039.58

The second part of the study is devoted to the solution of several interrelated problems that define, in the long run, the serviceability of the VVER-SKD reactor plant and a number of auxiliary systems. It has been shown that, since corrosion and erosion were one of the key problems in the process of introducing fossil-fueled ACS steam turbine units, it is necessary to conduct additional bench and reactor tests of advanced steels. An analysis into the experience of operating the existing high-temperature purification systems at VVER-1000 and BN-600 power units gives ground to expect that installation of a high-temperature deferrization filter upstream of the VVER-SKD reactor will reduce the deposition of activated corrosion products on the heat transfer surfaces between the reactor and the turbine condenser, and, accordingly, the intensity of radiation effects on operating and maintenance personnel, and relieve ion-exchange filters of corrosion products and the radionuclides they have absorbed when the power unit operating mode changes. It has been shown that the developed technology for liquid media purification using filtering elements with nanostructured membranes has not been adequately justified and experimentally confirmed. The paper shows that ion-exchange or membrane technologies should be used to demineralize make-up water. The key conclusions to be made from the study are as follows: a neutral correction-free water chemistry is recommended for operation in the nominal mode of the VVER-SKD based innovative power unit’s main circuit; in order to reduce the risk of the iron oxide deposit formation on the reactor’s heat transfer surfaces and prevent the turbine flow area choking, it is reasonable to use full-flow high-temperature deferrization of feedwater; a possibility needs to be provided in the process of designing and building a VVER-SKD prototype for analyzing the efficiency of using deferrization electromagnetic filters in the neutral water chemistry conditions and with the design coolant parameters.


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high-temperature deferrization filter desalination direct-flow steam turbine nanostructured membranes electromagnetic filter deferrization water chemistry

Link for citing the article: Yurchevsky E.B., Semishkin V.P., Chusov I.A., Bezrukov Y.A., Kavun O.Y., Sharyi N.V. On Application of the Thermal and Nuclear Power Experience to Select Water Chemistry for the VVER-SKD Innovative Reactor Plant. Part 2. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2024, no. 3, pp. 81-94; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.3.07 (in Russian).