Repeated measurements and quality of assessments in the ananlysis of NPP pipeline erosion-corrosion wear
9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Nuclear power plants
Baranenko V.I. Gulina O.M. Mironov S.A. Salnikov N.L.
UDC: 621.311.25:621.039.620.193.1
The article describes a study carried out on carbon steel pipe elements subject to erosion-corrosion wear (ECW). Based on the repeated control data, the authors present the results of calculating the characteristics of the ECW: wall-thinning and ECW rate. It is shown that such estimates contain great uncertainty due to the deposits of corrosion products on the pipeline inner surface and their migration during operation. In addition, with an increase in the operating time, for example, when the lifetime is extended, the difference between the forecast and the results of control becomes larger. This means that the error in the estimates of the residual lifetime also increases. The study is based on the data of wall thickness measurements of the feed water pipe (273×16 mm) and steam pipe (465×16 mm) of nuclear power plants with VVER-440 reactors, for which a sufficient number of repeated measurements were performed over a large time interval. An analysis is made of the error in estimating the pipeline wall-thinning and ECW rate using Chexal-Horowitz Flow-Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) Model (ECW-02 and ECW-03 software tools). The estimate of the ECW rate according to the above forecast model differs from the estimate according to the current control data by no more than 12.5%, since the deposits of corrosion products on the pipeline inner surface wall are leveled at a large time base. When calculating the wall-thinning, due to the obvious filtering of the control data, it is possible to achieve an acceptable accuracy of estimates, i.e., about 16% without upgrading the model.
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erosion-corrosion wear lifetime estimation Keller coefficient data filtration repeated control data erosion-corrosion rate estimation Chexal-Horowitz Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Model
Link for citing the article: Baranenko V.I., Gulina O.M., Mironov S.A., Salnikov N.L. Repeated measurements and quality of assessments in the ananlysis of NPP pipeline erosion-corrosion wear. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2020, no. 3, pp. 17-29; DOI: (in Russian).