Improving the general and environmental image of nuclear power industry objects
3/22/2017 2017 - #01 Environmental aspects
UDC: 621.039.009; 659.3
The aim of the publication is to introduce a wide range of experts with effective ways to improve the image of the objects of the Russian nuclear power industry. Negative attitude towards them is not determined by their real danger. The main factor, which defines the public opinion, has become the dissemination of biased information about the Chernobyl accident. As a result, a stable psychological association of nuclear power plants and radioactive pollutions of the environment was formed. The negative stereotype of nuclear power plants as high-risk objects for people and the environment has arisen in people minds (environmental fear). For this reason, the environmental image of these objects is the most important part of their overall image. For the successful development of nuclear energy this issue needs to be given increased attention. The establishment of common and positive environmental image will improve public opinion about nuclear facilities in the country and will be an important factor in boosting the competitiveness of Russian projects in the international market. Passive-information opposition of supporters and opponents of nuclear power development is proposed to replace at the active measures to destroy negative stereotypes in mass consciousness. This requires an analysis of the real needs of people and the degree of their satisfaction (frustrations and deprivations). The task of the active imagemaking is the formation in individuals of psychological installation of the importance of nuclear power as a factor in the improvement of their lives. The ways of practical application of the methods of active imagemaking were offered. It was recommended to conduct a comprehensive analysis of massive frustrations and deprivations of the population simultaneously in relation to the moral, economic and environmental aspects of public life. It was concluded about the necessity for government involvement in improving the image of nuclear power facilities.
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nuclear power industry stereotype implicit memory psychological frustration psychological deprivation active and passive imagemaking
Link for citing the article: Suzdaleva A.L. Improving the general and environmental image of nuclear power industry objects. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2017, no. 1, pp. 147-155; DOI: (in Russian).