Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Combined numerical and experimental investigations of hydrodynamics and coolant flow mass transfer out of spacer grid in fuel assemblies of floating power unit

12/29/2014 2014 - #04 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics

Doronkov D.V. Pronin A.N. Solntsev D.N. Sorokin V.D. Khrobostov A.E.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.4.07

UDC: 621.039

The results of experimental investigations of local hydrodynamics and intercell mass transfer of coolant flow in characteristic zones FA KLT-40C reactor unit behind a plate spacer grid have been presented. The investigations were carried out on an aerodynamic rig using the admixture diffusion method (the tracer-gas method). Study of spatial dispersion of absolute flow velocity projections and distribution of tracer concentration allowed to specify coolant flow picture behind the plate spacer grid FA of KLT-40C reactor unit. In this article the measurement results of liquid resistance of plate spacer grid in dependence to Reynolds number. On the base of received experimental data specification of procedure coolant load calculation recommendations for detailed cell-wise calculations of a core KLT-40C reactor unit have been written. Investigation results of local hydrodynamics and coolant flow mass transfer in FA KLT-40C reactor unit have been taken for practical use by Afrikantov OKBM JSC when assessing heat engineering reliability of cores KLT-40C reactor unit and are included in database for verification of CFD programs (CFD-codes) and detailed cell-wise calculation of reactor core KLT-40C.


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floating power unit core fuel assemblies spacer grid coolant flow hydrodynamics coolant flow mass transfer flow friction coefficients

Link for citing the article: Doronkov D.V., Pronin A.N., Solntsev D.N., Sorokin V.D., Khrobostov A.E. Combined numerical and experimental investigations of hydrodynamics and coolant flow mass transfer out of spacer grid in fuel assemblies of floating power unit. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2014, no. 4, pp. 60-70; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2014.4.07 (in Russian).