The comparison analyses of VVER REMIX-fuel characteristics when multiple recycling were made
12/29/2013 2013 - #04 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management
Dekusar V.M. Kagramanian V.S. Kalashnikov A.G. Kapranova E.N. Korobitsyn V.E. Puzakov A.Yu.
UDC: 621.039.516
The calculation studies on VVER-1000 fuel composition when multiple plutonium and uranium recycling along with medium enriched uranium feeding (REMIX-fuel) were made. The calculation results of natural uranium consumption, separation work, minor actinide accumulation, and the dose rates of FAs with fresh fuel are given. A comparison between VVER1000 types reactors fuelled with different fuels (UO2, REMIX, MOX) on characteristics indicated above was performed.
Link for citing the article: Dekusar V.M., Kagramanian V.S., Kalashnikov A.G., Kapranova E.N., Korobitsyn V.E., Puzakov A.Yu. The comparison analyses of VVER REMIX-fuel characteristics when multiple recycling were made. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2013, no. 4, pp. 109-117; DOI: (in Russian).