Calculational–experimental research of irradiation heat rate in the BOR–60 side shield
5/11/2013 2013 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors
UDC: 621.039.526
The improved method was used to calculate irradiation heat rate in components of an experimental rig located in the first row of the BOR–60 side shield. It is shown that the computed values correlate satisfactorily with the experimental ones. Some causes of discrepancy are given as well as the ways of their elimination.
Link for citing the article: Zhemkov I.Yu. Calculational–experimental research of irradiation heat rate in the BOR–60 side shield. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2013, no. 3, pp. 110-116; DOI: (in Russian).