VVERExperimental Research of the Properties of Concentrated Solutions of Boric Acid in Application to Cooling of VVER Reactors 6/05/2024 2024 - #02 Nuclear power plants Lebezov A.A. Morozov A.V. Sahipgareev A.R. Soshkina A.S. Shlepkin A.S.Study of Flammable Gases Generation and Radionuclide Release during and after Drying of Damaged VVER SNF 6/05/2024 2024 - #02 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Gaiazov A.Z. Leshchenko A.Yu. Smirnov V.P. Zvir Е.А. Il’in P.А. Teplov V.G.Оценка нейтронно-физических свойств активной зоны реактора ВВЭР-1000 при использовании регенерированного уран-плутониевого топлива 6/22/2023 2023 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Semishin V.V.Results of Validation and Cross-Verification of the ROK/B Design Code on the Problem of Loss of Cooling in the Spent Fuel Pool 12/08/2021 2021 - #04 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installationss Sledkov R.M. Karnaukhov V.E. Stepanov O.E. Bedretdinov M.M. Chusov I.A.Minor Actinides Transmutation in Pressurized Water Reactors. 1. Multiple Recycling of Minor Actinides on the Example of One VVER Reactor 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Kazansky Yu.A. Karpovich G.V.Development of a criterion to record the facts of fuel carryover from leaking fuel elements during VVER reactor operation 9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Nuclear power plants Evdokimov I.A. Khromov A.G. Kalinichev P.M. Likhanskij V.V. Kovalishin A.A. Laletin M.N.Use of erbium as a burnable absorber for the VVER reactor core life extension 9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Nuclear power plants Alassaf S.H. Savander V.I. Hassan A.A.Potential of the VVER reactor spectral regulation with regard for fuel burn-up 7/09/2020 2020 - #02 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Elazaka A.I. Tikhomirov G.V.An experimental study into the solubility of boric acid in steam during boiling in conditions of atmospheric pressure 3/25/2019 2019 - #01 Nuclear power plants Pityk A.V. Morozov A.V. Shlepkin A.S. Sahipgareev A.R.Development of seismic protection system for design extension conditions 11/28/2017 2017 - #04 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Galiev I.I. Chernyaev A.N. Bibik S.V.Experimental estimation of the effect of contact condensation of steam-gas mixture on the VVER passive safety systems operation 3/22/2017 2017 - #01 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Morozov A.V. Sahipgareev A.R.In service change in the flexural rigidity of the VVER 1000 fuel assemblies 10/02/2016 2016 - #03 Nuclear materials Pavlov S.V.Methodology of material testing for VVER fuel assemblies and fuel rods to support introduction of new fuel at NPPS 5/11/2014 2014 - #03 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Pavlov S.V.