VVER-1000Investigation of the Influence of the Fuel Element Design Parameter on the VVER-1000 Reactor Axial Power Peaking Factor 6/22/2023 2023 - #02 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Gorbunov V.A. Teplyakova S.S. Lonshakov N.A. Andrianov S.G. Mineev P.A.Multiple Usage of Thorium-Based Fuel in a VVER-1000 Reactor 9/23/2022 2022 - #03 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Kazansky Yu.A. Kushnir N.O. Khnykina E.S.Calculated safety justification of the VVER-1000 reactor facility in the mode with the shutdown of one of the four MCPS during the operation at nominal power 3/25/2019 2019 - #01 Nuclear power plants Nikulin I.A. Belozerov V.I. Sobolev A.V.Analysis of VVER-1000 nuclear fuel cycle based on remix fuel against proliferation of fissile materials 3/25/2019 2019 - #01 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Solovyev S.V. Dyachenko A. I. Fedorov M. I. Efremov R.O. Artisyuk V. V.Study of the dependence of the cladding – fuel pellet gap conductance coefficient on the fuel burn-up and the effects on the neutronic characteristics of the reactor core 11/15/2018 2018 - #04 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Vygovskiy S.B. Gruzdov F.V. Al Malkawi R.T.Determination of 18-month fuel cycle parameters with goal of fuel costs minimization at the basis of use constructions of fuel assemblies in VVER-1200 reactors 9/20/2018 2018 - #03 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Hashlamoun T.M. Vygovskiy S.B. Leskin S.T.