gamma radiationCalculation of Dosimetric Characteristics for the UNU GUR-120 Irradiation Hall Using a Numerical Monte Carlo Method for Planning Radiation Treatment Processes 12/20/2024 2024 - #04 Application of nuclear tech Dorn Y.A. Adarova A.I. Chizh T.V. Niyonsenga E. Pavlov A.N. Kurachenko Y.A.Application of the Fricke Chemical Dose Meter and its Modifications for Dosimetry of Gamma-Neutron Radiation of a Pulse Reactor 6/15/2021 2021 - #02 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Potetnya V.I. Koryakina E.V. Troshina M.V. Koryakin S.N.