corrosion productsStudy of Flammable Gases Generation and Radionuclide Release during and after Drying of Damaged VVER SNF 6/05/2024 2024 - #02 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management Gaiazov A.Z. Leshchenko A.Yu. Smirnov V.P. Zvir Е.А. Il’in P.А. Teplov V.G.Features of technology of purification from impurities of high-temperature sodium coolant in a fast reactor for hydrogen production and other innovative applications 12/25/2016 2016 - #04 Nuclear materials Kozlov F.A. Kalyakin S.G. Sorokin A.P. Alekseev V.V. Trufanov A.A. Konovalov M.A. Orlova E.A.Sodium purification systems for NPP with fast reactors (retrospective and perspective views) 10/23/2015 2015 - #03 Current issues in nuclear energy Kozlov F.A. Sorokin A.P. Konovalov M.A.