Tagsdiversion of nuclear material 12/20/2024 evolution of safeguards system 12/20/2024 IAEA safeguards 12/20/2024 NPT 12/20/2024 objectives of safeguards procedures 12/20/2024 safeguards objectives 12/20/2024 control rods 12/20/2024 critical assembly 12/20/2024 critical facility 12/20/2024 experimental device 12/20/2024 measurement method 12/20/2024 neutronic parameters 12/20/2024 reactivity effects 12/20/2024 208Pb 12/20/2024 delayed neutrons 12/20/2024 fast reactor 12/20/2024 graphite 12/20/2024 neutron reflector 12/20/2024 man-made PGMs 12/20/2024 noble metals 12/20/2024 palladium 12/20/2024 PGMs 12/20/2024 platinoids 12/20/2024 platinum group metals 12/20/2024 reactor PGMs 12/20/2024 rhodium 12/20/2024 ruthenium 12/20/2024 SNF 12/20/2024 spent nuclear fuel 12/20/2024 functional neutron-sensitive lithium fluoride layer 12/20/2024 ionization chamber 12/20/2024 neutron detectors 12/20/2024 radiator material 12/20/2024 acoustic sensor 12/20/2024 equipment 12/20/2024 hardware complex 12/20/2024 leak monitoring 12/20/2024 pipeline 12/20/2024 reactor facilities 12/20/2024 system 12/20/2024 criteria 12/20/2024 early and late large accidental release 12/20/2024 evacuation 12/20/2024 large accidental release 12/20/2024 measures to protect the population 12/20/2024 protective action planning area 12/20/2024 fast neutron reactor 12/20/2024 lead coolant 12/20/2024 primary circuit filling system 12/20/2024 transportation 12/20/2024 bivalves Dreissena polymorpha 12/20/2024 cooling ponds 12/20/2024 environmental monitoring 12/20/2024 Kalinin NPP 12/20/2024 macrophytes 12/20/2024 periphyton 12/20/2024 environment 12/20/2024 negative effect 12/20/2024 nuclear research facilities 12/20/2024 radionuclide release 12/20/2024 ISTAR 12/20/2024 neutronic performance 12/20/2024 thermonuclear neutron source 12/20/2024 TNS 12/20/2024 inverse heat conduction problem 12/20/2024 recurrent neural network 12/20/2024 temperature 12/20/2024 VVER-based NPPs 12/20/2024 ABBN 12/20/2024 group constants 12/20/2024 ISIDA 12/20/2024 point wise data 12/20/2024 reactor constants 12/20/2024 ROSFOND 12/20/2024 software system 12/20/2024 elongation 12/20/2024 fuel pellet 12/20/2024 fuel pin 12/20/2024 jamming 12/20/2024 mixed nitride uranium-plutonium fuel 12/20/2024 model 12/20/2024 post-irradiation examination (PIE) 12/20/2024 stress-strain state (SSS) 12/20/2024 verification 12/20/2024 absorbed dose 12/20/2024 gamma radiation 12/20/2024 MCNP5 code 12/20/2024 Monte Monte Carlo simulation 12/20/2024 unique GUR-120 gamma irradiation facility 12/20/2024 advanced training of personnel 12/20/2024 artificial intelligence 12/20/2024 education export 12/20/2024 machine learning 12/20/2024 nuclear power industry 12/20/2024 talent search 12/20/2024 advanced training 12/20/2024 innovative trend in nuclear power evolution 12/20/2024 personnel 12/20/2024 student research work 12/20/2024 containment 9/20/2024 cooling medium 9/20/2024 finning 9/20/2024 heat exchange tubes 9/20/2024 NPP-2006 9/20/2024 numerical simulation 9/20/2024 operating experience 9/20/2024 upgrading 9/20/2024 ventilation 9/20/2024 light water reactor 9/20/2024 MTIR-SKD 9/20/2024 research reactor 9/20/2024 supercritical coolant parameters 9/20/2024 test reactor 9/20/2024 VVER-SKD 9/20/2024 instability 9/20/2024 kinetics 9/20/2024 phase lag 9/20/2024 thermal-hydraulic inertia 9/20/2024 burnup 9/20/2024 minor actinides 9/20/2024 Monte-Carlo method 9/20/2024 nuclear fuel 9/20/2024 thorium fuel cycle 9/20/2024 VVER reactor 9/20/2024 gamma ray attenuation coefficient 9/20/2024 nuclear power 9/20/2024 plastic recycling 9/20/2024 radiation protection 9/20/2024 radiation technologies 9/20/2024 shielding material 9/20/2024 absorbing material 9/20/2024 control rod 9/20/2024 dehydrogenation 9/20/2024 hafnium hydride 9/20/2024 high-temperature tests 9/20/2024 deferrization 9/20/2024 desalination 9/20/2024 direct-flow 9/20/2024 electromagnetic filter 9/20/2024 high-temperature deferrization filter 9/20/2024 nanostructured membranes 9/20/2024 steam turbine 9/20/2024 water chemistry 9/20/2024 137Cs 9/20/2024 Chernobyl accident 9/20/2024 population 9/20/2024 radiation doses 9/20/2024 radiation safety 9/20/2024 radioactive contamination 9/20/2024 remediation technologies 9/20/2024 southwestern districts of Bryansk region 9/20/2024 covariance matrices 9/20/2024 data assimilation 9/20/2024 evaluated neutron data 9/20/2024 sensitivity coefficient 9/20/2024 uncertainties 9/20/2024 uncertainty 9/20/2024 BOP energy 9/20/2024 efficiency 9/20/2024 neural network simulation 9/20/2024 nuclear power plants 9/20/2024 specific cost of thermal energy 9/20/2024 turbine feed pump 9/20/2024 carbon-14 9/20/2024 classes 9/20/2024 computer program 9/20/2024 simulation model 9/20/2024 tritium 9/20/2024 water exchange 9/20/2024 236Pu 9/20/2024 238Pu 9/20/2024 light-water power reactors with supercritical coolant parameters 9/20/2024 radioisotope thermoelectrical generators 9/20/2024 aberrant cell frequency 9/20/2024 barley 9/20/2024 food security 9/20/2024 gamma irradiation 9/20/2024 mitotic index 9/20/2024 radiation stimulation 9/20/2024 root length 9/20/2024 seeds 9/20/2024 shoot length 9/20/2024 americium 6/05/2024 homogeneous burning 6/05/2024 modelling 6/05/2024 plutonium 6/05/2024 two-component nuclear power system 6/05/2024 boric acid 6/05/2024 emergency modes 6/05/2024 passive safety systems 6/05/2024 thermophysical properties 6/05/2024 VVER 6/05/2024 core 6/05/2024 fuel rods 6/05/2024 modernization 6/05/2024 neutron trap 6/05/2024 radionuclides 6/05/2024 RCPS 6/05/2024 SM-3 reactor 6/05/2024 boiling regimes 6/05/2024 computational modelling 6/05/2024 coolant temperature stratification 6/05/2024 experiment 6/05/2024 fuel rod assemblies 6/05/2024 heat transfer 6/05/2024 hydrodynamics 6/05/2024 interchannel exchange 6/05/2024 reactor tank 6/05/2024 roughness 6/05/2024 turbulent transfer 6/05/2024 two-fluid model 6/05/2024 corrosion products 6/05/2024 damaged SNF 6/05/2024 fire and explosion safety 6/05/2024 hydrogen 6/05/2024 radiolysis 6/05/2024 SNF storage 6/05/2024 thermal-vacuum drying 6/05/2024 core refurbishment 6/05/2024 calibration characteristics 6/05/2024 neutron-physical characteristics 6/05/2024 SM reactor 6/05/2024 control system for «small» leaks 6/05/2024 large leaks 6/05/2024 sodium coolant 6/05/2024 sodium-water steam generator 6/05/2024 steam generator protection system 6/05/2024 water leaks into sodium 6/05/2024 вакансии 6/05/2024 внутреннее трение 6/05/2024 дислокации 6/05/2024 междоузельные атомы 6/05/2024 нейтронное облучение 6/05/2024 поры 6/05/2024 радиационные дефекты 6/05/2024 сплавы V−Fe 6/05/2024 фазовые превращения 6/05/2024 электросопротивление 6/05/2024 alkali 6/05/2024 concentration 6/05/2024 dissolution 6/05/2024 equilibrium system 6/05/2024 hydrogen bubbles 6/05/2024 oxygen 6/05/2024 reaction components 6/05/2024 saturation 6/05/2024 sodium 6/05/2024 steam generator 6/05/2024 water 6/05/2024 control 6/05/2024 coolant 6/05/2024 eutectic 6/05/2024 purification 6/05/2024 sodium-potassium 6/05/2024 artificial radionuclides 6/05/2024 cooling pool 6/05/2024 long-term dynamics 6/05/2024 nuclear power plant 6/05/2024 radioecological monitoring 6/05/2024 BN-800 6/05/2024 constant error 6/05/2024 mixed oxide uranium-plutonium fue 6/05/2024 ROSFOND-2020.2 6/05/2024 actinoids 6/05/2024 burn-up 6/05/2024 calculations 6/05/2024 CINDER90 6/05/2024 ENDF 6/05/2024 MCNP5 6/05/2024 MOX-fuel 6/05/2024 ORIGEN2 6/05/2024 software packages 6/05/2024 WIMS-D5 6/05/2024 closed nuclear fuel cycle 6/05/2024 fuel cycles 6/05/2024 spent fuel 6/05/2024 stationary fuel cycle 6/05/2024 experimental data 6/05/2024 oxide fuel 6/05/2024 porosity 6/05/2024 restructuring 6/05/2024 stress-strain states (SSS) for fuel rods 6/05/2024 additional opportunities 3/18/2024 NFC closure 3/18/2024 specific present value of electricity production 3/18/2024 technical and economic assessment 3/18/2024 dynamic stability 3/18/2024 normal operation 3/18/2024 operational stability 3/18/2024 transients 3/18/2024 VVER-1200 3/18/2024 NPP 3/18/2024 nuclear energy 3/18/2024 radioactive waste management 3/18/2024 failure statistics 3/18/2024 fuel failure 3/18/2024 fuel reliability 3/18/2024 leaking fuel 3/18/2024 WWER 3/18/2024 health goals 3/18/2024 large early release 3/18/2024 probabilistic safety goals 3/18/2024 core melt 3/18/2024 emergency core cooling 3/18/2024 hydrogen recombinator 3/18/2024 hydrogen safety 3/18/2024 burnout 3/18/2024 microstructure 3/18/2024 pellet 3/18/2024 pores 3/18/2024 swelling 3/18/2024 uranium-plutonium nitride fuel 3/18/2024 compound 3/18/2024 cutting 3/18/2024 drawing 3/18/2024 extrusion 3/18/2024 fiber structure 3/18/2024 heat treatment 3/18/2024 intermetallic compound 3/18/2024 technology 3/18/2024 temperature regime 3/18/2024 uranium-zirconium fuel rod 3/18/2024 nuclear power plant radiation safety assessment 3/18/2024 nuclear power plant safety 3/18/2024 radiation safety of nuclear power plant storage facilities 3/18/2024 safety 3/18/2024 cost of uranium mining 3/18/2024 natural uranium 3/18/2024 nuclear energy development scenario 3/18/2024 uranium production 3/18/2024 advanced development scenario of nuclear power 3/18/2024 sustainable development 3/18/2024 Sustainable Development Goals 3/18/2024 fuel rod 3/18/2024 gas pressure 3/18/2024 water-water power reactor 3/18/2024 double heterogeneity 3/18/2024 fuel particle 3/18/2024 high-temperature gas-cooled reactor 3/18/2024 Monte Carlo 3/18/2024 SCALE 6.2.4 3/18/2024 standard deviation 3/18/2024 chemical dosimetry 3/18/2024 neutron capture therapy 3/18/2024 reactor neutrons 3/18/2024 simulation 3/18/2024 code VIZART 12/16/2023 computational substantiation of technology characteristics 12/16/2023 technologies of the closure of nuclear fuel cycle 12/16/2023 acoustic standing waves 12/16/2023 boron regulation 12/16/2023 neutron noise 12/16/2023 offset 12/16/2023 spectrum 12/16/2023 steam phase 12/16/2023 xenon oscillations 12/16/2023 CFD 12/16/2023 AHX 12/16/2023 BN reactors 12/16/2023 leaks 12/16/2023 mixingCFD 12/16/2023 pulsations 12/16/2023 unevenness 12/16/2023 chemical kinetics 12/16/2023 ignition 12/16/2023 multi-step reaction 12/16/2023 productivity 12/16/2023 recombinator 12/16/2023 ampoule device 12/16/2023 energy release determination 12/16/2023 fuel rods samples 12/16/2023 instrumentation by thermocouples 12/16/2023 regular thermal mode 12/16/2023 structural materials 12/16/2023 block concept decommissioning NPP unit 12/16/2023 buildings and constructions and site NPP unit 12/16/2023 immediate dismantling 12/16/2023 NPP unit 12/16/2023 nuclear reactor 12/16/2023 radioactive wastes 12/16/2023 effective dose rate 12/16/2023 equivalent dose rate 12/16/2023 induced activity 12/16/2023 reactor core 12/16/2023 SM-3 research reactor 12/16/2023 fragmentation 99Mo 12/16/2023 highly enriched uranium 12/16/2023 low enriched uranium 12/16/2023 research reactor VVR-ts 12/16/2023 target for 99Mo production 12/16/2023 depletion of resources 12/16/2023 environmental pollution 12/16/2023 fast reactors 12/16/2023 general public 12/16/2023 stakeholders 12/16/2023 density 12/16/2023 dynamic viscosity 12/16/2023 heat capacity 12/16/2023 potassium 12/16/2023 thermodynamic properties 12/16/2023 cooling loss 12/16/2023 experimental facility 12/16/2023 FA 12/16/2023 spent fuel pool 12/16/2023 time of start of fuel uncovering 12/16/2023 void fraction 12/16/2023 «large» leak 9/25/2023 inter-circuit leakeness 9/25/2023 «practical elimination» principle 9/25/2023 design development 9/25/2023 Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment 9/25/2023 DESNA 9/25/2023 fast neutrons 9/25/2023 fuel reuse 9/25/2023 neutron physics calculation 9/25/2023 REMIX 9/25/2023 SAPPHIRE 9/25/2023 two-component nuclear power 9/25/2023 thermal reactors 9/25/2023 transmutation economics 9/25/2023 desalinated water 9/25/2023 neutral non-reactive water-chemical regime 9/25/2023 neutral oxygen water-chemical regime 9/25/2023 operational experience 9/25/2023 supercritical parameters 9/25/2023 water-chemical regime 9/25/2023 water-cooled power reactor 9/25/2023 external exposure dose 9/25/2023 internal exposure dose 9/25/2023 specific activity of radionuclides in foodstuffs 9/25/2023 food consumption 9/25/2023 inhalation 9/25/2023 internal radiation dose 9/25/2023 radiation risk 9/25/2023 enrichment 9/25/2023 frequency of overload of fuel assemblies 9/25/2023 fuel share of the cost of electricity 9/25/2023 nuclear fuel burnup 9/25/2023 reactor campaign 9/25/2023 air atmosphere 9/25/2023 equilibrium constant 9/25/2023 heating 9/25/2023 radioactive graphite 9/25/2023 thermal processes 9/25/2023 thermodynamic simulation 9/25/2023 irradiation device 9/25/2023 thermoelectric radioisotope generators 9/25/2023 VVER-1000 reactors 9/25/2023 Co-59 9/25/2023 Co-60 9/25/2023 cross section 9/25/2023 group 9/25/2023 Lu-176 9/25/2023 Lu-177g 9/25/2023 production, isotopes 9/25/2023 specific activity 9/25/2023 Yb-176 9/25/2023 BN-350 9/25/2023 characteristics of Russian-designed BN fast reactors 9/25/2023 large-scale factor 9/25/2023 multi-purpose reactor 9/25/2023 primary circuit 9/25/2023 production reactor 9/25/2023 sodium circuit flow diagram 9/25/2023 actinides 9/25/2023 fuel cycle 9/25/2023 neutron cross-sections 9/25/2023 transmutation 9/25/2023 BN-350 reactor 9/25/2023 corrosion 9/25/2023 fuel composition 9/25/2023 fuel element 9/25/2023 material test samples 9/25/2023 radiation creep 9/25/2023 dilation 9/25/2023 fuel assembly 9/25/2023 hexagonal wrapper 9/25/2023 irradiation creep 9/25/2023 steel 9/25/2023 BR-10 research reactor 9/25/2023 clinoptilolite 9/25/2023 gas-phase oxidation 9/25/2023 liquid radioactive concentrates 9/25/2023 slag 9/25/2023 slag-like compound 9/25/2023 sodium-potassium alloy 9/25/2023 solid matrix 9/25/2023 solid-phase oxidation 9/25/2023 spent alkaline liquid metal coolant 9/25/2023 generation time 6/22/2023 importance function 6/22/2023 kinetic functionals 6/22/2023 MCU 6/22/2023 neutronic calculation 6/22/2023 REMIX fuel 6/22/2023 uranium regenerate 6/22/2023 power peaking factor 6/22/2023 specific thermal power 6/22/2023 temperature field 6/22/2023 VVER-1000 6/22/2023 Burnett equations 6/22/2023 Chapman-Enskog method 6/22/2023 coolant flow method 6/22/2023 nonlinear orthogonal transformation 6/22/2023 parabolic equation 6/22/2023 transverse leakage 6/22/2023 calculation accuracy 6/22/2023 evaluated nuclear data libraries 6/22/2023 gas cavity 6/22/2023 helium concentration control 6/22/2023 maximum heating of fuel cladding 6/22/2023 random component of measurement error 6/22/2023 thermal method 6/22/2023 cask 6/22/2023 leak-tightness 6/22/2023 seal 6/22/2023 sealing assembly 6/22/2023 strain 6/22/2023 tests 6/22/2023 high-nickel steel 6/22/2023 mechanical performance 6/22/2023 reactor vessel steels 6/22/2023 structure properties 6/22/2023 temper brittleness 6/22/2023 thermal resistance 6/22/2023 ‘Warsaw’ scenario 6/22/2023 137Cs deposition densities 6/22/2023 agro-radioecological simulation model 6/22/2023 atmospheric 131I forms 6/22/2023 IAEA’s EMRAS project 6/22/2023 radioactive cloud model 6/22/2023 radioecological model verification 6/22/2023 computational support 6/22/2023 database 6/22/2023 diffusion approximation 6/22/2023 neutronic code 6/22/2023 operation support 6/22/2023 cross-section and astrophysical factor of D + 3He → p + 4He fusion reaction 6/22/2023 effective radius approximation 6/22/2023 Lawson criterion for different D-3He fuel use scenarios 6/22/2023 thermonuclear reactions 6/22/2023 benchmark-model 6/22/2023 integral experiment 6/22/2023 neutron constants 6/22/2023 process parameters 6/22/2023 237Np 6/22/2023 nuclide transformation chains 6/22/2023 economics 3/28/2023 inherently safe fast reactor 3/28/2023 levelized cost of electricity 3/28/2023 start-up with enriched uranium 3/28/2023 Brayton cycle 3/28/2023 degree of reactivity 3/28/2023 gas turbine 3/28/2023 liquid metal cooled reactors 3/28/2023 optimal ratio of speeds 3/28/2023 supercritical CO2 3/28/2023 bilinear ratios 3/28/2023 contributions of neutron reactions 3/28/2023 prompt neutron lifetime 3/28/2023 small perturbation theory 3/28/2023 Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant (BiNPP) 3/28/2023 evaporation from the water surface 3/28/2023 fuel storage pool (SP) 3/28/2023 heat exchanger (HE) 3/28/2023 isotope kinetics 3/28/2023 spent fuel assembly (SFA) 3/28/2023 thermohydraulic industry codes 3/28/2023 durability 3/28/2023 lifetime 3/28/2023 non-isothermal mixing 3/28/2023 power facility 3/28/2023 temperature pulsations 3/28/2023 thermal pulsations 3/28/2023 tracer 3/28/2023 Y-junction 3/28/2023 BN-1200 3/28/2023 MIX 3/28/2023 MOX 3/28/2023 plutonium improvement 3/28/2023 REMIX-E 3/28/2023 sodium-cooled fast reactor 3/28/2023 dosimeter 3/28/2023 exposure dose 3/28/2023 neutron energy 3/28/2023 neutron radiation 3/28/2023 phantom 3/28/2023 accidents 3/28/2023 emergency events 3/28/2023 incidents 3/28/2023 reactors 3/28/2023 statistical and system analysis 3/28/2023 technical malfunctions 3/28/2023 dry storage 3/28/2023 E110 3/28/2023 fuel rod cladding 3/28/2023 hydrides 3/28/2023 zirconium alloys 3/28/2023 analytical test 3/28/2023 approximation 3/28/2023 DRAKON code 3/28/2023 mixed uranium-plutonium nitride fuel 3/28/2023 solution algorithm 3/28/2023 stress-strain state 3/28/2023 system of differential equations 3/28/2023 CORNER 3/28/2023 cross-verification 3/28/2023 lead-cooled fast reactor 3/28/2023 MCU-FR 3/28/2023 correlation model 3/28/2023 gas mixtures 3/28/2023 zirconium alloy oxidation 3/28/2023 fuel burnup 3/28/2023 nuclear concentration uncertainties 3/28/2023 nuclear concentrations 3/28/2023 variational method 3/28/2023 Generation IV 3/28/2023 MNPU 3/28/2023 SCALE 3/28/2023 breeding 12/14/2022 breeding ratio 12/14/2022 fuel production 12/14/2022 nuclide composition change 12/14/2022 protactinium pit 12/14/2022 thermal breeder reactor 12/14/2022 thorium uranium fuel cycle 12/14/2022 operational reactivity margin 12/14/2022 temperature coefficient of reactivity 12/14/2022 temperature effect of reactivity 12/14/2022 VVR-ts reactor 12/14/2022 electrical resistivity 12/14/2022 lithium coolant 12/14/2022 sound velocity 12/14/2022 surface tension 12/14/2022 thermal conductivity 12/14/2022 transport properties 12/14/2022 benchmark 12/14/2022 computational fluid dynamics 12/14/2022 computational studies 12/14/2022 CRP IAEA 12/14/2022 FlowVision 12/14/2022 reactor cavity cooling system 12/14/2022 validation 12/14/2022 ISTAR software 12/14/2022 MBIR 12/14/2022 modeling 12/14/2022 molten-salt loop 12/14/2022 molten-salt reactors 12/14/2022 neutronic characteristics 12/14/2022 beyond-design-basis accident 12/14/2022 Bilibino NPP 12/14/2022 boiling water reactor 12/14/2022 EGP-6 12/14/2022 hydrogen explosion safety 12/14/2022 KUPOL-M code 12/14/2022 radiolysis products 12/14/2022 radiolytic hydrogen 12/14/2022 electrical resistance 12/14/2022 gravity measurements 12/14/2022 internal friction 12/14/2022 interstitial atoms 12/14/2022 neutron irradiation 12/14/2022 phase transformations 12/14/2022 radiation defects 12/14/2022 radiation-induced segregation 12/14/2022 vacancies 12/14/2022 lead 12/14/2022 lead-bismuth 12/14/2022 measurement error 12/14/2022 oxygen activity sensors in liquid metals 12/14/2022 oxygen thermodynamic activity 12/14/2022 reference installation 12/14/2022 steam-hydrogen gas mixtures 12/14/2022 charge in a fission chamber pulse 12/14/2022 fission chamber 12/14/2022 fission fragment 12/14/2022 ionization 12/14/2022 neutron 12/14/2022 neutron detection 12/14/2022 radiation density measurement 12/14/2022 reactor target 12/14/2022 transmission spectrum 12/14/2022 X-ray source 12/14/2022 classification 12/14/2022 cloud computing 12/14/2022 knowledge database 12/14/2022 semantic annotation 12/14/2022 semantic web 12/14/2022 delayed neutron multiplication factor 12/14/2022 nuclear reactor dynamics 12/14/2022 alkali liquid metals 9/23/2022 codes 9/23/2022 control of impurity content 9/23/2022 impurities 9/23/2022 mass transport 9/23/2022 thermonuclear reactors 9/23/2022 thermophysical and physicochemical processes and characteristics 9/23/2022 recompression thermodynamic cycle 9/23/2022 dynamics 9/23/2022 feedbacks 9/23/2022 pressurized water cooled water moderated reactor 9/23/2022 multiple use of fuel 9/23/2022 saving natural resources 9/23/2022 thorium 9/23/2022 uranium-thorium fuel cycle 9/23/2022 control and diagnostic control system 9/23/2022 diagnostic information 9/23/2022 free objects control system 9/23/2022 software and hardware complex 9/23/2022 technical diagnostics system 9/23/2022 vibration control system 9/23/2022 Bilibinо NPP 9/23/2022 similarity theory 9/23/2022 tank-type boiling water reactor 9/23/2022 VK-50 9/23/2022 fuel cladding failure detection systems 9/23/2022 LMFBR 9/23/2022 measurement of volumetric activity of inert gases 9/23/2022 aging processes 9/23/2022 damage accumulation 9/23/2022 failure rate 9/23/2022 lifetime management 9/23/2022 residual lifetime 9/23/2022 cladding 9/23/2022 fuel assembly (FA) 9/23/2022 long-term storage 9/23/2022 mechanical properties 9/23/2022 metallographic studies 9/23/2022 nickel 9/23/2022 radiation resistance 9/23/2022 service properties 9/23/2022 steels of internals 9/23/2022 steels of RPV 9/23/2022 structural characteristics 9/23/2022 Am 9/23/2022 biological hazard 9/23/2022 burning 9/23/2022 Cm 9/23/2022 fast neutron nuclear reactor 9/23/2022 neutron spectrum 9/23/2022 Np 9/23/2022 radiotoxicity 9/23/2022 transmutation, minor actinides 9/23/2022 curvilinear boundaries 9/23/2022 grids 9/23/2022 transport equation 9/23/2022 complimentary geometry 9/23/2022 radiation hygiene 9/23/2022 agrarian agricultural radiation technology 9/23/2022 bachelor’s degree course 9/23/2022 development of human resources 9/23/2022 export of education 9/23/2022 master’s degree course 9/23/2022 practice-oriented approach 9/23/2022 resource center 9/23/2022 vocational training 9/23/2022 energy model 6/20/2022 environmental constraints 6/20/2022 forecast 6/20/2022 class of events 6/20/2022 main circulation circuit 6/20/2022 neural network 6/20/2022 shock event 6/20/2022 system for detecting loose and loosely attached objects 6/20/2022 technical diagnostics systems 6/20/2022 VVER-440 6/20/2022 AES-2006 6/20/2022 operation 6/20/2022 purge 6/20/2022 re-routing 6/20/2022 regenerative heat exchanger 6/20/2022 RU V-392M 6/20/2022 strapping 6/20/2022 automatic power regulator (APR) 6/20/2022 axial offset (AO) 6/20/2022 offset-phase diagram 6/20/2022 suppression algorithm 6/20/2022 data bases 6/20/2022 designcodes 6/20/2022 emergency situations 6/20/2022 pressure 6/20/2022 reactor vessel 6/20/2022 thermal hydraulics 6/20/2022 velocity 6/20/2022 computer simulation 6/20/2022 decommissioning 6/20/2022 filter container 6/20/2022 hydraulic resistance 6/20/2022 ion-selective treatment 6/20/2022 liquid radioactive waste 6/20/2022 optimization of radiation protection 6/20/2022 sorbents 6/20/2022 dose rate 6/20/2022 geometry splitting with Russian roulette 6/20/2022 MAGIC (Method of Automatic Generation of Importances by Calculation) method 6/20/2022 spent removable part of reactor 6/20/2022 Gibbs thermodynamic potential 6/20/2022 liquid metal coolant 6/20/2022 magnesium 6/20/2022 reaction constant 6/20/2022 saturation concentration 6/20/2022 sodium, fast reactor 6/20/2022 soluble getter 6/20/2022 BR-10 RR 6/20/2022 gas-phase neutralization 6/20/2022 GETTER module 6/20/2022 liquid metal chromatography 6/20/2022 LUIZA-RW module 6/20/2022 MAGMA-SPO module 6/20/2022 magnesium sorbent 6/20/2022 technologies for processing of alkaline liquid metal coolant 6/20/2022 co-precipitation 6/20/2022 drain water 6/20/2022 membrane separation 6/20/2022 processing 6/20/2022 effectiveness of involvement of depleted uranium in production process 6/20/2022 enriched uranium products cost 6/20/2022 multi-threaded enrichment production 6/20/2022 separative work unit 6/20/2022 burnup calculations 6/20/2022 reactor plant 6/20/2022 uncertainties in nuclear data 6/20/2022 uncertainties in nuclide nuclear concentrations 6/20/2022 BPSD 6/20/2022 neutron-physical parameters 6/20/2022 nuclear energy system 6/20/2022 nuclear fuel cycle 6/20/2022 nuclear technologies 6/20/2022 scenario analysis 6/20/2022 software tool 6/20/2022 technical and economic modelling 6/20/2022 critical mass 6/20/2022 hard gamma radiation 6/20/2022 heat generation 6/20/2022 integral indicator of proliferation protection of the material 6/20/2022 proliferation protection of uranium 6/20/2022 radiolysis of uranium hexafluoride 6/20/2022 source of neutrons 6/20/2022 effective delayed neutron fraction 6/20/2022 lead-bismuth coolant 1/20/2022 reactor 1/20/2022 Arctic 1/20/2022 energy storage devices 1/20/2022 new technological platform 1/20/2022 small modular reactor 1/20/2022 synthetic carbon-free fuel 1/20/2022 99Mo production 1/20/2022 enrichment reduction 1/20/2022 MAK-2 research channel 1/20/2022 power density 1/20/2022 thermohydraulic calculation 1/20/2022 absorption cross-section 1/20/2022 ageing and model refueling 1/20/2022 deflection 1/20/2022 infinite multiplication factor 1/20/2022 Samarium 1/20/2022 SERPENT 1/20/2022 Xenon 1/20/2022 heat sink function 1/20/2022 real time 1/20/2022 thermal conductivity equation 1/20/2022 form change 1/20/2022 natural convection 1/20/2022 ultrasonic technique 1/20/2022 coolant level 1/20/2022 level measurement 1/20/2022 level measurement methods 1/20/2022 cliff edge effects 1/20/2022 accelerator mass spectrometer 1/20/2022 pine tree rings 1/20/2022 design schemes 1/20/2022 duration of the campaign 1/20/2022 steam chamber 1/20/2022 thermionic reactor-converter 1/20/2022 (α, n)-reaction 1/20/2022 dosimetry 1/20/2022 low-enriched uranium nuclear fuel 1/20/2022 TheIVG.1M research reactor 1/20/2022 chain of nuclide transformations of uranium-232 1/20/2022 hard γ-radiation 1/20/2022 incubator 1/20/2022 innovation 1/20/2022 innovation science and technology center 1/20/2022 personnel training 1/20/2022 research University 1/20/2022 science city 1/20/2022 silicon valley 1/20/2022 Skolkovo 1/20/2022 technological valley 1/20/2022 technopark 1/20/2022 «V» Laboratory 1/20/2022 atoms for peace history 1/20/2022 nuclear power train 1/20/2022 power self-propelled power plant 1/20/2022 the first mobile low-power nuclear power plant 1/20/2022 TPP-3 1/20/2022 transportable land-based nuclear-fueled power plant 1/20/2022 water-moderated reactor 1/20/2022 accident 12/08/2021 polonium 12/08/2021 exposure doses 12/08/2021 man-made contamination 12/08/2021 radiological and environmental monitoring 12/08/2021 hybrid «fusion-fission» reactor facility 12/08/2021 neutronic research 12/08/2021 plasma generator of D-T-neutrons 12/08/2021 radioactivity 12/08/2021 spent fuel storage 12/08/2021 3LiCl-2KCl 12/08/2021 anode sludge 12/08/2021 electrolyser 12/08/2021 filter element 12/08/2021 intermetallid 12/08/2021 PFC 12/08/2021 FACT-BR 12/08/2021 KL-15 transportation container 12/08/2021 maximum permissible activity 12/08/2021 molybdenum-99 12/08/2021 molybdenum-technetium generators 12/08/2021 packaging kits 12/08/2021 radiation safety during transportation 12/08/2021 technetium-99m 12/08/2021 loss of cooling 12/08/2021 spent fuel pond 12/08/2021 control algorithm 12/08/2021 mathematical model 12/08/2021 nonlinear automatic control system 12/08/2021 power turbine 12/08/2021 stability of control process 12/08/2021 acoustic standing wave 12/08/2021 autospectral power density 12/08/2021 cross-spectral power density 12/08/2021 pressure pulsation detector 12/08/2021 reactor coolant pump 12/08/2021 technical diagnostics 12/08/2021 fluoride glass 12/08/2021 gamma detectors 12/08/2021 intense neutron field 12/08/2021 nuclear-optical converter 12/08/2021 scintillator 12/08/2021 delayed criticality 12/08/2021 prompt criticality 12/08/2021 additional income 9/23/2021 fast and thermal reactors 9/23/2021 levelized unit fuel cost 9/23/2021 nuclear fuel cycle closure 9/23/2021 plutonium production 9/23/2021 technical and economic performance 9/23/2021 experimental channel 9/23/2021 target for the production of Mo-99 9/23/2021 VVR-c reactor 9/23/2021 flow instabilities 9/23/2021 numerical models 9/23/2021 supercritical water 9/23/2021 boiling margin 9/23/2021 critical heat flow 9/23/2021 departure from nucleate boiling 9/23/2021 highly efficient cooling technology 9/23/2021 closed fuel cycle 9/23/2021 curium 9/23/2021 neptunium 9/23/2021 automated system 9/23/2021 diagnosing 9/23/2021 electrically-actuated valves 9/23/2021 neural networks 9/23/2021 NPP safety 9/23/2021 pipelines 9/23/2021 segmentation 9/23/2021 BREST 9/23/2021 bubbling up 9/23/2021 cladding defect 9/23/2021 degassing 9/23/2021 diffusion 9/23/2021 fission products 9/23/2021 fuel-element cladding tightness monitoring 9/23/2021 inert radioactive gases 9/23/2021 two-phase flows 9/23/2021 fuel pellets 9/23/2021 pore agent 9/23/2021 resintering 9/23/2021 thermal stability 9/23/2021 U-Gd fuel rod 9/23/2021 uranium-gadolinium fuel 9/23/2021 capital and operating costs 9/23/2021 investment efficiency criteria 9/23/2021 Northern Sea Route (NSR) 9/23/2021 nuclear icebreakers 9/23/2021 revenues 9/23/2021 ship escort tariffs 9/23/2021 competitiveness 9/23/2021 energy generating company 9/23/2021 normative and evaluative model 9/23/2021 electromagnetic valve 9/23/2021 purge collector 9/23/2021 steam generator collector pocket 9/23/2021 fast neutron reactors 9/23/2021 natural circulation 9/23/2021 thermohydraulic simulation 9/23/2021 carbon ions 9/23/2021 cervical cancer cells 9/23/2021 chemotherapy 9/23/2021 HeLa 9/23/2021 particle therapy 9/23/2021 alarm 6/15/2021 functions 6/15/2021 information 6/15/2021 interactive procedure 6/15/2021 operator information support system 6/15/2021 electric feeding pump 6/15/2021 power unit simulation 6/15/2021 BN-type reactor 6/15/2021 burnable absorber 6/15/2021 criticality equation 6/15/2021 eigenfunctions expansion 6/15/2021 neutron field stability 6/15/2021 neutron flux density 6/15/2021 optimal profiling 6/15/2021 spatial kinetic 6/15/2021 neutron coincidence method 6/15/2021 prompt neutron multiplication factor 6/15/2021 Rossi alpha method 6/15/2021 spatial isotope correlation factor 6/15/2021 close fuel cycle 6/15/2021 double cascade 6/15/2021 regenerated uranium 6/15/2021 uranium hexafluoride 6/15/2021 AM (AMB) reactor 6/15/2021 methane 6/15/2021 storage in wate 6/15/2021 aircraft crash 6/15/2021 damping structures 6/15/2021 hangar-type storage 6/15/2021 impact of the flying body 6/15/2021 protective shell 6/15/2021 radiation package 6/15/2021 safety of nuclear fuel cycle facilities 6/15/2021 temporary storage 6/15/2021 BARS-6 pulse reactor 6/15/2021 Fricke ferrous sulphate dosimeter 6/15/2021 ultra-high dose rate 6/15/2021 backpressure flowing 6/15/2021 gaseous oxygen 6/15/2021 Gibbs energy 6/15/2021 hydrogen purification from slags 6/15/2021 lead oxide activity 6/15/2021 lead-bismuth eutectic 6/15/2021 lead-containing coolant 6/15/2021 oxidation pattern 6/15/2021 slags based on lead oxides 6/15/2021 cost and construction time 6/15/2021 digitalization of NPP design and construction 6/15/2021 investment efficiency 6/15/2021 catalytically closed internal fuel cycle 6/15/2021 control of thermal neutron flux 6/15/2021 radial magnetic dynamic (RMHD) generator 6/15/2021 selective separation effect of thermal neutrons 6/15/2021 thermonuclear reactor 6/15/2021 convolutional neural network 6/15/2021 time series segmentation 6/15/2021 MAVT 3/18/2021 MESSAGE-NES 3/18/2021 Chexal-Horowitz Flow-Accelerated Corrosion Model 3/18/2021 corrosion rate estimation 3/18/2021 erosion-corrosion wear 3/18/2021 main challenges of the present day 3/18/2021 National Priority Projects 3/18/2021 pipeline wall thinning 3/18/2021 circulating water supply system 3/18/2021 Nalko 1392 3/18/2021 scale formation 3/18/2021 scale inhibitor 3/18/2021 aluminum 3/18/2021 aluminum oxide 3/18/2021 hydrogen and radiation safety of nuclear reactors 3/18/2021 hydroheterogeneous composition 3/18/2021 lithium hydroxide 3/18/2021 potassium hydroxide 3/18/2021 sodium hydroxide 3/18/2021 boron 3/18/2021 control and protection system 3/18/2021 micro-fuel 3/18/2021 plasma neutron source 3/18/2021 thorium hybrid reactor 3/18/2021 BFS 3/18/2021 database ща integral experiments 3/18/2021 integral experiments 3/18/2021 JEFF 3/18/2021 JENDL 3/18/2021 ANSYS FLUENT 3/18/2021 laminarity 3/18/2021 turbulence 3/18/2021 cesium 3/18/2021 clays 3/18/2021 sorption 3/18/2021 strontium 3/18/2021 closed internal fuel cycle 3/18/2021 deep fuel burn-up 3/18/2021 neutron flux control 3/18/2021 SFC – slowing-focusing structure 3/18/2021 thermal neutron separation effect 3/18/2021 heavy accidents 3/18/2021 self-protection 3/18/2021 inhomogeneities in radiation protection 3/18/2021 leakage albedo 3/18/2021 acoustic measurement 3/18/2021 optical properties 3/18/2021 quartz glass 3/18/2021 radiation hardening 3/18/2021 teaching methods 3/18/2021 Arctic region 11/19/2020 development forecast 11/19/2020 distributed generation 11/19/2020 isolation power system 11/19/2020 Low-Power Nuclear Power Plant 11/19/2020 mathematical modeling 11/19/2020 sea areas 11/19/2020 spent fuel storage pool 11/19/2020 temperature conditions 11/19/2020 coolant fluid dynamics 11/19/2020 interassembly interaction 11/19/2020 mixing grids 11/19/2020 spacer grids 11/19/2020 algorithms 11/19/2020 decision-making 11/19/2020 design solutions 11/19/2020 I&C 11/19/2020 monitoring 11/19/2020 OISS 11/19/2020 optimization 11/19/2020 power unit model 11/19/2020 technological process 11/19/2020 burn-up depth 11/19/2020 cladding integrity 11/19/2020 combined dimensionless parameter 11/19/2020 effective life 11/19/2020 energy resource 11/19/2020 fuel matrix 11/19/2020 swelling compensator 11/19/2020 uranium dioxide 11/19/2020 boiling point 11/19/2020 critical heat flux 11/19/2020 heat supply and removal 11/19/2020 results of experimental studies 11/19/2020 working area 11/19/2020 integral layout 11/19/2020 inter-wrapper space 11/19/2020 liquid metal cooled reactor 11/19/2020 LMS 11/19/2020 methodological approach 11/19/2020 reactor cooldown 11/19/2020 acoustic sensors 11/19/2020 algorithm 11/19/2020 background noise 11/19/2020 filtration 11/19/2020 humidity sensors 11/19/2020 leak analysis 11/19/2020 NPP gas and aerosol emissions 11/19/2020 turbulent diffusion modeling 11/19/2020 131I in vegetation 11/19/2020 137Cs fallout 11/19/2020 agro-radioecological model 11/19/2020 atmosphere 11/19/2020 estimated data 11/19/2020 instrumental data 11/19/2020 mutually consistent database 11/19/2020 rainfall 11/19/2020 economy 11/19/2020 natural real indicators 11/19/2020 recycled uranium 11/19/2020 separate work units 11/19/2020 finite element method 11/19/2020 HPC cluster 11/19/2020 MPI 11/19/2020 ODETTA software 11/19/2020 parallel programming 11/19/2020 efficient SNF and RW management 9/16/2020 export potential 9/16/2020 data filtration 9/16/2020 erosion-corrosion rate estimation 9/16/2020 Keller coefficient 9/16/2020 lifetime estimation 9/16/2020 repeated control data 9/16/2020 axial offset 9/16/2020 flexible (load tracing) operating modes 9/16/2020 reactor stability 9/16/2020 VVER-1000 (1200) 9/16/2020 asymptotic runaway 9/16/2020 nuclear chain reaction 9/16/2020 reflectors based on natural lead and lead-208 9/16/2020 transient process 9/16/2020 VVER and CANDU thermal reactors 9/16/2020 coolant activity 9/16/2020 fuel carryover 9/16/2020 iodine radionuclides 9/16/2020 methodology 9/16/2020 erbium 9/16/2020 GETERA 9/16/2020 liquid excessive reactivity compensation system 9/16/2020 liquid radioactive waste (LRW) 9/16/2020 reactivity margin 9/16/2020 equilibrium cycle 9/16/2020 excess reactivity 9/16/2020 nitride fuel 9/16/2020 heat-producing materials 9/16/2020 mixed convection 9/16/2020 storage facility 9/16/2020 thermal safety 9/16/2020 SCWR reactor 9/16/2020 angular velocity vector 9/16/2020 breakdown of fuel elements 9/16/2020 helical vortex cord 9/16/2020 inertial wave vector 9/16/2020 pressure fluctuation amplitude 9/16/2020 shear power 9/16/2020 vibration period and frequency 9/16/2020 alloys 9/16/2020 annealing 9/16/2020 impurity atoms 9/16/2020 iron 9/16/2020 nitrogen 9/16/2020 vanadium 9/16/2020 16Cr-19Ni class steel 9/16/2020 average radiation-induced swelling rate 9/16/2020 MCU-BR 9/16/2020 MMK-RF 9/16/2020 MMK-ROCOCO 9/16/2020 Monte Carlo codes 9/16/2020 anomalies in the operation of reactor equipment 9/16/2020 the system of technical diagnostics of NPP equipment 9/16/2020 time series 9/16/2020 elliptical mirror 9/16/2020 method and apparatus for investigation thermal neutron beams 9/16/2020 neutron transmutation 9/16/2020 silicon 9/16/2020 thermal neutron beams 9/16/2020 thermal neutrons 9/16/2020 Geant4 9/16/2020 mathematical simulation 9/16/2020 neutron generator 9/16/2020 cooling towers 7/09/2020 engineering support 7/09/2020 Novovoronezh NPP-2 7/09/2020 service water supply 7/09/2020 upgrade 7/09/2020 D-D neutron plasma pulse periodic generator 7/09/2020 fission wave 7/09/2020 fusion- fission hybrid reactor 7/09/2020 boric regulation 7/09/2020 excessive reactivity 7/09/2020 reactivity 7/09/2020 reactivity coefficients 7/09/2020 spectral regulation 7/09/2020 water displacers 7/09/2020 equilibrium pressure 7/09/2020 metal-oxide system 7/09/2020 oxidation potential 7/09/2020 state diagram 7/09/2020 electrochemical potential 7/09/2020 galvanic effect 7/09/2020 oxide film 7/09/2020 zirconium alloy 7/09/2020 heavy liquid metal coolant 7/09/2020 impeller blades 7/09/2020 impellers 7/09/2020 main circulation pump 7/09/2020 pump feed and discharge 7/09/2020 buildings and structures 7/09/2020 decommissioning option 7/09/2020 dismantling of components 7/09/2020 in-situ disposal 7/09/2020 radioactive waste 7/09/2020 atmospheric air and precipitation 7/09/2020 dust 7/09/2020 People’s Republic of Bangladesh 7/09/2020 radon 7/09/2020 atmospheric release 7/09/2020 geoinformation system 7/09/2020 prediction 7/09/2020 radiation situation 7/09/2020 support of decision-making 7/09/2020 burn-up calculations 7/09/2020 reactor facility 7/09/2020 uncertainties in nuclear concentrations of nuclides 7/09/2020 diagnostics 7/09/2020 diagnostics of heat-transfer transients 7/09/2020 digital twin 7/09/2020 thermohydraulic flow loop 7/09/2020 MVP 7/09/2020 nuclear fuel extraction 7/09/2020 nuclear safety 7/09/2020 Daphniamagna 7/09/2020 heart rate 7/09/2020 long-term radiation-induced effect 7/09/2020 method of interferometry of living systems 7/09/2020 radioecology 7/09/2020 activation detectors 7/09/2020 geometric factor 7/09/2020 information model 3/19/2020 NPP operation experience 3/19/2020 personnel reliability 3/19/2020 beam ports 3/19/2020 IRT-T 3/19/2020 NCT 3/19/2020 radiation treatment 3/19/2020 fuel temperature coefficient 3/19/2020 moderator temperature coefficient 3/19/2020 protactinium 3/19/2020 ultra-high fuel burn-up 3/19/2020 fuel utilization 3/19/2020 nuclear burning wave 3/19/2020 nuclear concentration of nuclides 3/19/2020 reactor life 3/19/2020 traveling wave reactor 3/19/2020 neutron flux 3/19/2020 reflector 3/19/2020 SCALE software package 3/19/2020 characteristic equation 3/19/2020 Fourier method 3/19/2020 geometrical parameter 3/19/2020 heat sources 3/19/2020 k-layer plate and cylinder 3/19/2020 kernel of transformation 3/19/2020 method of finite integral transformations 3/19/2020 two-dimensional non-stationary heat conduction problem 3/19/2020 cross#cycling 3/19/2020 mixed fuel 3/19/2020 NFC 3/19/2020 recycling 3/19/2020 uranium-plutonium fuel 3/19/2020 elastic modulus 3/19/2020 molybdenum 3/19/2020 niobium 3/19/2020 refractory metals 3/19/2020 rhenium 3/19/2020 tungsten 3/19/2020 circulation loop 3/19/2020 heavy coolant 3/19/2020 oxygen!ion electrolyte 3/19/2020 mass content of impurity 3/19/2020 mass transfer 3/19/2020 oxygen activity sensor 3/19/2020 structural steel 3/19/2020 thermodynamic activity 3/19/2020 local sound velocity 3/19/2020 regression 3/19/2020 viscosity 3/19/2020 argon cooling 3/19/2020 cold trap 3/19/2020 computation code 3/19/2020 sodium cooling 3/19/2020 heat-exchange 3/19/2020 identification 3/19/2020 Petri nets 3/19/2020 steam void 3/19/2020 current sources with radioactive isotopes (CSRI) 3/19/2020 radiation-induced electric charge 3/19/2020 supercapacitor 3/19/2020 decommissioning of nuclear and radiation hazardous objects 3/19/2020 education and training of personnel for nuclear decommissioning 3/19/2020 final stages of life cycle of nuclear facilities 3/19/2020 radiation protection optimization 3/19/2020 advanced analytics 12/05/2019 data analysis 12/05/2019 fault detection 12/05/2019 acoustic wave 12/05/2019 diagnostics of NPPs 12/05/2019 impact localization 12/05/2019 Loose Part Monitoring System (LPMS) 12/05/2019 VVER reactor plant 12/05/2019 gamma source 12/05/2019 neutron source 12/05/2019 radiation protection calculation 12/05/2019 spent fuel transfer cask 12/05/2019 fast reactor of small capacity 12/05/2019 hard neutron spectrum 12/05/2019 incineration of low fissile isotopes 12/05/2019 lead-208 coolant 12/05/2019 metallic Pu-Am-Np-Zr fuel 12/05/2019 BNAB-RF 12/05/2019 effective neutron multiplication factor 12/05/2019 spectral indices 12/05/2019 radiogenic lead 12/05/2019 reactivity accident 12/05/2019 emergency release 12/05/2019 frequency 12/05/2019 maintenance 12/05/2019 nuclear fuel damage 12/05/2019 probability 12/05/2019 risk 12/05/2019 safety level 12/05/2019 technological regulation 12/05/2019 circuit design 12/05/2019 instrumental function 12/05/2019 reactimeter 12/05/2019 variant analysis 12/05/2019 conservative approach 12/05/2019 NPP Mochovce 12/05/2019 parametric analyses 12/05/2019 Serpent 2 12/05/2019 spent fuel storage pool (SFSP) 12/05/2019 austenitic steel 12/05/2019 elasticity characteristics 12/05/2019 internals 12/05/2019 irradiation-induced swelling 12/05/2019 porosity characteristics 12/05/2019 (γ, n) reaction 12/05/2019 100Mo production 12/05/2019 beam modernization 12/05/2019 carbothermal synthesis 12/05/2019 CFD model 12/05/2019 compact clinical installation 12/05/2019 electron accelerator 12/05/2019 furnace 12/05/2019 grid model 12/05/2019 MNUP fuel 12/05/2019 photoneutrons 12/05/2019 radioisotopes production 12/05/2019 SolidWorks Flow Simulation 12/05/2019 limits and conditions of operation 9/30/2019 management optimization 9/30/2019 multi-user program 9/30/2019 start-up operations 9/30/2019 technical condition analysis 9/30/2019 air-water mist 9/30/2019 heat exchange intensification 9/30/2019 particulate cooling 9/30/2019 water concentration 9/30/2019 critical fluence 9/30/2019 damaging neutrons 9/30/2019 graphite lifespan 9/30/2019 GT-MHR 9/30/2019 HTGR 9/30/2019 mode 9/30/2019 reactivity coefficient 9/30/2019 reactor coolant pump (RCP) 9/30/2019 reactor plant power 9/30/2019 reactor-grade graphite 9/30/2019 safety margin 9/30/2019 scram 9/30/2019 heat sink 9/30/2019 porous body 9/30/2019 reactor core profiling 9/30/2019 transient conditions 9/30/2019 IRT 9/30/2019 long-term campaign 9/30/2019 low-enriched fuel 9/30/2019 VVR 9/30/2019 cascade 9/30/2019 filling 9/30/2019 gas centrifuge 9/30/2019 germanium 9/30/2019 isotope 9/30/2019 non-stationary process 9/30/2019 separation 9/30/2019 stage 9/30/2019 Elcometer 7061 Marsurf PS1 roughness meter 9/30/2019 life extension 9/30/2019 metal corrosion 9/30/2019 operating conditions 9/30/2019 parent metal 9/30/2019 preventive maintenance 9/30/2019 surface roughness 9/30/2019 fabrication technology 9/30/2019 grain size 9/30/2019 high-temperature embrittlement 9/30/2019 swelling rate 9/30/2019 affine time transformation method 9/30/2019 bismuth oxide 9/30/2019 equation of nucleation and growth model 9/30/2019 heavy liquid metal coolants 9/30/2019 hydrogen afterburner 9/30/2019 hydrogen purification of HLMC 9/30/2019 reaction kinetics 9/30/2019 thermoconductometric analysis 9/30/2019 Yerofeev’s equation 9/30/2019 aquatic environment 9/30/2019 artificial defect 9/30/2019 corrosion tests 9/30/2019 fission product release 9/30/2019 fuel material 9/30/2019 fuel-element claddings 9/30/2019 metallography 9/30/2019 γ-dose rate 9/30/2019 experiment simulation 9/30/2019 Iron 88 benchmark 9/30/2019 multigroup cross sections 9/30/2019 parallel computations 9/30/2019 reactor rates 9/30/2019 tetrahedral grids 9/30/2019 electrochemical deactivation 9/30/2019 irradiated graphite 9/30/2019 leaching 9/30/2019 centralized nuclear fuel cycle 6/24/2019 dual component nuclear energy system 6/24/2019 industrial power complex from the supplier (Rosatom) 6/24/2019 fission fragments 6/24/2019 laser 6/24/2019 neutrons 6/24/2019 nuclear pumping 6/24/2019 optical quantum amplifier with nuclear pumping 6/24/2019 acceleratordriven system 6/24/2019 leadbismuth 6/24/2019 superconducting linear accelerator 6/24/2019 nuclear fuel evolution 6/24/2019 system analysis of nuclear power 6/24/2019 automated power controller (APC) 6/24/2019 offset-power phase diagram 6/24/2019 CCP efficiency 6/24/2019 condensate path (CP) 6/24/2019 deaerator (D) 6/24/2019 feed water (FW) 6/24/2019 feedwater pump (FWP) 6/24/2019 gas heater (GH) 6/24/2019 high pressure cylinder (HPC) 6/24/2019 high pressure drum-separator (HPDS) 6/24/2019 low pressure cylinder (LPC) 6/24/2019 low pressure drum-separator (LPDS) 6/24/2019 low-pressure heater (LPH) 6/24/2019 medium pressure cylinder (MPC) 6/24/2019 medium pressure drum-separator (MPDS) 6/24/2019 Siemens SGT-9000HL 6/24/2019 steam module 6/24/2019 turbine plant (TP) 6/24/2019 annealing of the reactor vessel 6/24/2019 fluence 6/24/2019 radiation embrittlement 6/24/2019 re-extension of service life 6/24/2019 safety systems 6/24/2019 V-179 6/24/2019 BN 6/24/2019 critical test benches 6/24/2019 heterogeneous effect 6/24/2019 neutron physical calculation 6/24/2019 simulation of nuclear reactors 6/24/2019 sodium void reactivity effect 6/24/2019 equipment life 6/24/2019 thermal fatigue 6/24/2019 coolant flow rate 6/24/2019 departure from nucleate boiling (DNB) 6/24/2019 experimental fuel assembly (EFA) 6/24/2019 MIR reactor 6/24/2019 natural uranium resources 6/24/2019 nuclear energy development scenarios 6/24/2019 power 6/24/2019 RIA (reactivity-initiated accident) 6/24/2019 SNF reprocessing 6/24/2019 SNF reprocessing value 6/24/2019 spent nuclear fuel (SNF) 6/24/2019 thermoelectric converter (TEC) 6/24/2019 axial pump 6/24/2019 pump delivery rate 6/24/2019 pump head 6/24/2019 pump impeller 6/24/2019 analytical solution 6/24/2019 fuel temperature field 6/24/2019 influence of tuning coefficients 6/24/2019 mathematical model to determine fuel temperature fields 6/24/2019 safety of fuel rod heating 6/24/2019 verification of numerical calculations 6/24/2019 carbon dioxide 6/24/2019 effective range approximation 6/24/2019 resonance and shadow poles 6/24/2019 resonance coupled channel method 6/24/2019 S-matrix poles 6/24/2019 digital economy in power engineering 6/24/2019 educational technologies 6/24/2019 staff training 6/24/2019 educational portal 6/24/2019 graph database 6/24/2019 knowledge graph 6/24/2019 ontology 6/24/2019 export strategy 6/24/2019 nuclear education 6/24/2019 personal training 6/24/2019 data integration 3/25/2019 JSON-format 3/25/2019 reactor materials 3/25/2019 contour code 3/25/2019 off-nominal situation 3/25/2019 shutdown of the MCP 3/25/2019 accumulation 3/25/2019 emergency mode 3/25/2019 solubility 3/25/2019 steam 3/25/2019 crisis of heat exchange 3/25/2019 energy release 3/25/2019 neural nets 3/25/2019 thermalphysic model 3/25/2019 complexation 3/25/2019 membrane permeability 3/25/2019 nanofiltration 3/25/2019 osmotic pressure 3/25/2019 radwaste 3/25/2019 reverse osmosis 3/25/2019 RO 3/25/2019 non-proliferation resistant 3/25/2019 reprocessed uranium 3/25/2019 resources saving 3/25/2019 coated particles 3/25/2019 fast sodium reactors 3/25/2019 fuel assemblies with coated particles 3/25/2019 inherent safety 3/25/2019 microfuel 3/25/2019 microspherical fuel 3/25/2019 mixed carbide fuel 3/25/2019 tolerant fuel 3/25/2019 beyond design accident 3/25/2019 passive residual heat removal system 3/25/2019 reactor safety 3/25/2019 subcriticality 3/25/2019 dimensional effect 3/25/2019 fiber glass 3/25/2019 polymer composite materials 3/25/2019 scaling factor 3/25/2019 strength 3/25/2019 Weibull statistical model 3/25/2019 dismantling 3/25/2019 extraction column 3/25/2019 foam decontamination 3/25/2019 radiation-contaminated equipment 3/25/2019 tanks 3/25/2019 uranium 3/25/2019 integrated engineering radiological survey 3/25/2019 route optimization 3/25/2019 unscheduled measurements 3/25/2019 virtual training 3/25/2019 concept 3/25/2019 monitoring regulations 3/25/2019 radiation hazardous facilities 3/25/2019 centralized global parallel search circuit 3/25/2019 electro-optical neural commuting system 3/25/2019 high-temperature gas-cooled reactors 3/25/2019 hydrogen production forecasting 3/25/2019 spiking neural networks 3/25/2019 deposited dose 3/25/2019 Monte Carlo simulation 3/25/2019 nanoparticles of gold and gadolinium 3/25/2019 photon beam therapy 3/25/2019 advantages of the VVER-SKD concept 11/15/2018 GIF-IV program 11/15/2018 number of publications 11/15/2018 problems of developing the VVER-SKD 11/15/2018 proposals for cooperation 11/15/2018 prospects for nuclear power development 11/15/2018 supercritical water reactor (SCWR) 11/15/2018 Doppler effect 11/15/2018 gap conductance coefficient 11/15/2018 core shaping 11/15/2018 mass flow distribution 11/15/2018 maximum channel wall temperature 11/15/2018 electrochemical behavior of thorium 11/15/2018 fuel reprocessing 11/15/2018 options 11/15/2018 pyroelectrochemical processes 11/15/2018 barrier 11/15/2018 furnace channel 11/15/2018 gas sampling 11/15/2018 gas-dynamic investigations 11/15/2018 measuring gas concentration 11/15/2018 modelling gas concentration distribution 11/15/2018 sintering furnace 11/15/2018 zone of furnace 11/15/2018 assessment of brittle fracture resistance 11/15/2018 conservative vessel life estimations 11/15/2018 critical brittle point TK 11/15/2018 ductile-to-brittle-transition-temperature TP 11/15/2018 padding and welded joints 11/15/2018 composite decontaminating material 11/15/2018 decontamination 11/15/2018 film-forming compositions 11/15/2018 fixed radioactive contamination 11/15/2018 economic efficiency indicators 11/15/2018 economic risk 11/15/2018 modular NPP 11/15/2018 small and medium sized reactors 11/15/2018 absolute efficiency curve 11/15/2018 gamma spectrometry 11/15/2018 ISOCS system 11/15/2018 MCNP code 11/15/2018 measurement procedure 11/15/2018 measurement procedure range 11/15/2018 nondestructive analysis of nuclear materials 11/15/2018 solid radioactive waste 11/15/2018 uranium mass 11/15/2018 calculation code 11/15/2018 nuclear neutron reactions 11/15/2018 nuclear transmutation chains 11/15/2018 nuclide 11/15/2018 nuclide kinetics problem 11/15/2018 radioactive decay 11/15/2018 delivery nanoconstructs 11/15/2018 magnetite 11/15/2018 radiopharmaceuticals 11/15/2018 radium-223, magnetic nanoparticles 11/15/2018 short-lived alpha radionuclides 11/15/2018 targeted alpha-therapy 11/15/2018 compartmental model 11/15/2018 databases 11/15/2018 domain modeling 11/15/2018 domain voxelization 11/15/2018 farm animals 11/15/2018 on-line calculations 11/15/2018 radiation accident 11/15/2018 radiation transport modeling 11/15/2018 radioactive iodine 11/15/2018 thyroid gland 11/15/2018 nuclear icebreaking fleet 9/20/2018 accelerogram 9/20/2018 dynamic analysis method 9/20/2018 finite element model 9/20/2018 linear spectral method 9/20/2018 reduced stresses 9/20/2018 seismic stability 9/20/2018 IAEA 9/20/2018 peak ground acceleration 9/20/2018 seismic acceleration and damage 9/20/2018 seismic hazard parameters 9/20/2018 descriptor 9/20/2018 neutron induced activity 9/20/2018 nuclear facilities 9/20/2018 radiation shielding concrete 9/20/2018 delays in NPP construction 9/20/2018 human factor 9/20/2018 project management 9/20/2018 ENDF libraries 9/20/2018 infologic modeling 9/20/2018 relational format 9/20/2018 alpha-particles transport 9/20/2018 disperse nuclear fuel 9/20/2018 isotopic composition 9/20/2018 radiation sources spectrum 9/20/2018 thorium reactor 9/20/2018 heat exchanger 9/20/2018 horizontal type steam generator 9/20/2018 light water reactor type 9/20/2018 pre-boiling section 9/20/2018 separators of chevron and swirl-vane type 9/20/2018 steam-water mixture 9/20/2018 temperature difference 9/20/2018 the four-loop layout 9/20/2018 variable thermocyclic stress 9/20/2018 vertical type steam generator 9/20/2018 forecasting 9/20/2018 MESSAGE 9/20/2018 MNUP 9/20/2018 UOX 9/20/2018 18-month fuel cycle 9/20/2018 effective days 9/20/2018 fuel enrichment 9/20/2018 fuel reloading scheme 9/20/2018 natural days 9/20/2018 operating costs 9/20/2018 PROSTOR 9/20/2018 gaseous fission products 9/20/2018 UO2 dissolution 9/20/2018 departure from nuclear boiling 9/20/2018 heat sink failure 9/20/2018 high-speed dump valves with discharge to atmosphere (HSDV-A) 9/20/2018 pipeline break 9/20/2018 safety factor 9/20/2018 stop valve 9/20/2018 coolant flow measurement system 9/20/2018 distribution function 9/20/2018 exponential estimate 9/20/2018 mathematical time expectation 9/20/2018 parametric reliability 9/20/2018 random process 9/20/2018 random variables 9/20/2018 time to failure 9/20/2018 accuracy evaluation 9/20/2018 BFS critical facility 9/20/2018 effective multiplication factor 9/20/2018 maximum likelihood method 9/20/2018 hydrated sodium metasilicate 9/20/2018 oxide and calcium hydroxide 9/20/2018 the oxide layer 9/20/2018 acoustic flows 6/22/2018 cavitation 6/22/2018 heat transfer equipment 6/22/2018 quality cleaning 6/22/2018 ultrasound 6/22/2018 microwave reflex-radar level gauge 6/22/2018 power-generating equipment 6/22/2018 water coolant at high temperatures and pressures (310 °C, 10 MPa) 6/22/2018 calculation model 6/22/2018 deregulated market 6/22/2018 electricity cost 6/22/2018 financially integrated system 6/22/2018 financing instruments 6/22/2018 nuclear energy business 6/22/2018 chemical explosive 6/22/2018 cryogenic temperatures 6/22/2018 nuclear explosive device 6/22/2018 plutonium 238 6/22/2018 proliferation protection 6/22/2018 further refinement 6/22/2018 introduction in the practice of calculations 6/22/2018 new ROCOCO combined system of neutron constant preparation 6/22/2018 potential of development 6/22/2018 results of comparative calculations 6/22/2018 artificial neural networks 6/22/2018 criticality margin 6/22/2018 generalized approximation theorem 6/22/2018 software package 6/22/2018 WWR c reactor 6/22/2018 cavities calculations 6/22/2018 fast breeder reactor 6/22/2018 mixed nitride uranium-plutonium SNF (MNUP SNF) 6/22/2018 on-line monitoring of nuclear materials 6/22/2018 pyrochemical process 6/22/2018 pyroelectrochemical refining 6/22/2018 consequences of radiological accident 6/22/2018 decision-making criteria 6/22/2018 protective measures 6/22/2018 radioactive release 6/22/2018 severe accident 6/22/2018 fission product 6/22/2018 iodine radionuclide 6/22/2018 radioactive noble gases 6/22/2018 technique 6/22/2018 hydrogen distribution 6/22/2018 lumped parameter model 6/22/2018 SIMCO code 6/22/2018 biological protection 6/22/2018 current-voltage characteristic 6/22/2018 flexural strength 6/22/2018 heat resistance 6/22/2018 information-measuring complex 6/22/2018 neutron shielding characteristics 6/22/2018 polyalkaneimide 6/22/2018 pulsed mode 6/22/2018 relaxation length 6/22/2018 shearing cross section 6/22/2018 thermionic converter 6/22/2018 thermocouples 6/22/2018 titanium hydride 6/22/2018 code generation 6/22/2018 instrumentation tools 6/22/2018 microcontroller 6/22/2018 reverse engineering 6/22/2018 multi-criteria analysis 6/22/2018 nuclear data 6/22/2018 spallation nuclear reactions 6/22/2018 main components 3/23/2018 SG intercircuit seal breakdown 3/23/2018 small and medium sized reactor plant 3/23/2018 technical solutions 3/23/2018 acoustoelasticity 3/23/2018 early diagnosis 3/23/2018 elastic moduli 3/23/2018 equations 3/23/2018 tension 3/23/2018 americium-241 3/23/2018 metallic uranium-plutonium fuel 3/23/2018 natural lead coolant 3/23/2018 combination of detailed and group descriptions of cross-section energy dependences 3/23/2018 radiation field calculation using the Monte Carlo method 3/23/2018 absorber element 3/23/2018 aluminum alloys SAV-1 and ASD-4 3/23/2018 control and protection system (CPS) 3/23/2018 crystalline sodium metasilicate hydrates 3/23/2018 lime 3/23/2018 power coefficient of reactivity 3/23/2018 RBMK-1000 reactor 3/23/2018 rod control cluster assembly (RCCA) 3/23/2018 sodium and potassium water glass 3/23/2018 temperature coefficients of reactivity 3/23/2018 Russian Arctic regions 3/23/2018 small nuclear power plants 3/23/2018 irradiated reactor-grade graphite 3/23/2018 uranium graphite reactor 3/23/2018 fission product escape 3/23/2018 fuel damage dynamics 3/23/2018 release 3/23/2018 severe beyond design basis accident 3/23/2018 additional diagnostic signs 3/23/2018 dispersion of the acoustic signal 3/23/2018 leakage test equipment 3/23/2018 modeling of leaks of the coolant 3/23/2018 pattern recognition 3/23/2018 the method of main components 3/23/2018 coolant leak 3/23/2018 design analysis 3/23/2018 hydroaccumulator 3/23/2018 safe state 3/23/2018 spillage system 3/23/2018 the core 3/23/2018 brittle fracture resistance 3/23/2018 conservative estimations 3/23/2018 critical brittleness temperature 3/23/2018 ductile-to-brittle transition temperature 3/23/2018 automated control systems 3/23/2018 computer modeling 3/23/2018 diversity 3/23/2018 fuel burnup fraction 11/28/2017 hydrocarbons 11/28/2017 non-renewable traditional energy resources 11/28/2017 nuclear reactor breeders 11/28/2017 production dynamics 11/28/2017 production peak 11/28/2017 production rate 11/28/2017 ampoule channel with natural circulation 11/28/2017 power of energy release 11/28/2017 research reactor SM 11/28/2017 research results 11/28/2017 temperature regimes of irradiation 11/28/2017 fission power peaking factor 11/28/2017 genetic algorithm 11/28/2017 step of lattice 11/28/2017 thermionic conversion reactor 11/28/2017 thermionic fuel elements 11/28/2017 diffusion equation 11/28/2017 multigroup approximation 11/28/2017 neutron transport 11/28/2017 subcritical systems 11/28/2017 electrically heated fuel rod dummy 11/28/2017 experimental fuel rod 11/28/2017 heating rate 11/28/2017 hot junction 11/28/2017 lab-scale facility 11/28/2017 loss-of-oolant accident (LOCA) 11/28/2017 reactor MIR 11/28/2017 spacer grid 11/28/2017 thermocouple 11/28/2017 droplet 11/28/2017 thermal physical properties of boric acid solution 11/28/2017 bends 11/28/2017 FAC rate estimation 11/28/2017 flow-accelerated corrosion 11/28/2017 minimal admissible wall thickness 11/28/2017 residual life time 11/28/2017 wall thickness control data 11/28/2017 welding 11/28/2017 data transmission 11/28/2017 maximum estimated earthquake 11/28/2017 Seismic Protection System 11/28/2017 seismic station 11/28/2017 shutdown 11/28/2017 conversion 11/28/2017 coolant technology 11/28/2017 dislocations 11/28/2017 ENDF library 11/28/2017 irradiation hardening 11/28/2017 metals 11/28/2017 oxidation kinetics 11/28/2017 precipitates 11/28/2017 steel oxidation 11/28/2017 voids 11/28/2017 yield strength 11/28/2017 binding energy 11/28/2017 radiocarbon 11/28/2017 radionuclide 11/28/2017 strength of fixation 11/28/2017 treatment 11/28/2017 accumulator tank 10/02/2017 APCS 10/02/2017 power unit 10/02/2017 rector 10/02/2017 safety system 10/02/2017 flow rate 10/02/2017 level 10/02/2017 pump 10/02/2017 turbine generator 10/02/2017 common cause failure, software 10/02/2017 control safety systems 10/02/2017 diverse protection system 10/02/2017 protection algorithms 10/02/2017 measured parameters 10/02/2017 model validation 10/02/2017 operation data 10/02/2017 technical state analysis 10/02/2017 unit status change prediction 10/02/2017 combination of functions 10/02/2017 ejector 10/02/2017 emergency cooldown 10/02/2017 fuel cooling 10/02/2017 redundancy 10/02/2017 reliability 10/02/2017 safety case 10/02/2017 Automated Process Control System 10/02/2017 broadcast storm 10/02/2017 cybersecurity 10/02/2017 a function of the coherence 10/02/2017 commissioning 10/02/2017 commissioning measurement 10/02/2017 natural frequency 10/02/2017 phase characteristics 10/02/2017 portable analyzer 10/02/2017 the oscillations of the pendulum type 10/02/2017 vibration control 10/02/2017 diagnostic system 10/02/2017 in-core monitoring system 10/02/2017 invalid readings 10/02/2017 measuring monitoring channels 10/02/2017 decentralization of control functions 10/02/2017 functional safety 10/02/2017 information controlling system 10/02/2017 nuclear plant 10/02/2017 refueling machine 10/02/2017 single failure 10/02/2017 detection of neutron flux density 10/02/2017 measuring channel 10/02/2017 NFME 10/02/2017 power readings correction 10/02/2017 reactor power 10/02/2017 reactor unit 10/02/2017 dummy fuel assembly 10/02/2017 first criticality 10/02/2017 excitation regulator 10/02/2017 excitation system 10/02/2017 Novovoronezh NPP 10/02/2017 relay protection 10/02/2017 sustainability 10/02/2017 eddy-current testing 10/02/2017 preoperational inspection 10/02/2017 ultrasonic testing 10/02/2017 ultrasonic testing technology 10/02/2017 blowdown 10/02/2017 V-392M reactor plant 10/02/2017 AES-2006 design 10/02/2017 air valve 10/02/2017 passive heat removal system 10/02/2017 pre-commissioning 10/02/2017 regulator 10/02/2017 V-392M 10/02/2017 chemical water treatment 10/02/2017 cleansing 10/02/2017 design chemistry 10/02/2017 passivation 10/02/2017 preliminary treatment 10/02/2017 radioactive water treatment 10/02/2017 reagents 10/02/2017 sedimentation 10/02/2017 Novovoronezh NPP II 10/02/2017 gadolinium 10/02/2017 high fuel burn-up 10/02/2017 protactinium-231 10/02/2017 stabilized multiplying properties 10/02/2017 very long fuel campaign 10/02/2017 corrosion resistance 6/21/2017 detonation waves 6/21/2017 oxygen ions 6/21/2017 reactor cooling system 6/21/2017 stainless steel 6/21/2017 water electrolysis 6/21/2017 water molecule 6/21/2017 abstract homogeneous flow 6/21/2017 aging system 6/21/2017 counting process 6/21/2017 failure flow 6/21/2017 intensity function 6/21/2017 juvenescent system 6/21/2017 non-homogeneous event flow 6/21/2017 normalizing flow function model (NFF) 6/21/2017 renewal equation 6/21/2017 index of indeterminacy 6/21/2017 larger data 6/21/2017 management of risk 6/21/2017 residual risk 6/21/2017 risk degree 6/21/2017 sensitivity of risk 6/21/2017 3He-counter 6/21/2017 active control 6/21/2017 fissile materials 6/21/2017 gamma background 6/21/2017 SFA 6/21/2017 control rods effectiveness 6/21/2017 core simulation 6/21/2017 fast neutrons reactors 6/21/2017 nuclear material accounting and control 6/21/2017 physical protection 6/21/2017 power distribution 6/21/2017 sodium void effect reactivity 6/21/2017 austenitic stainless steel 6/21/2017 ion-plasma treatment 6/21/2017 slip deformation 6/21/2017 stacking faults 6/21/2017 twinning deformation 6/21/2017 X-ray diffraction-pattern 6/21/2017 burnup value 6/21/2017 optimization of fuel loading and reloading 6/21/2017 finite element analysis 6/21/2017 single-cell thermionic fuel element 6/21/2017 thermionic NPP 6/21/2017 three-dimensional numerical modeling 6/21/2017 dynamics of nuclear reactor 6/21/2017 integral equations 6/21/2017 point kinetics 6/21/2017 quadrature formulas 6/21/2017 attractiveness of reactor fuel for unauthorized applications 6/21/2017 beryllium 6/21/2017 BR-1200 fast reactor 6/21/2017 critical system with neutron reflectors 6/21/2017 uranium nitride 6/21/2017 transmutation coefficient 6/21/2017 aluminum alloy 6/21/2017 heat-affected zone 6/21/2017 influence of ultrasound 6/21/2017 residual stress 6/21/2017 inelastic neutron scattering 6/21/2017 neutron spectra 6/21/2017 time-of-flight method 6/21/2017 verification of evaluated neutron data 6/21/2017 radioactive pollution 6/21/2017 radiochemical enterprise 6/21/2017 surface layer of the atmosphere 6/21/2017 volumetric activity 6/21/2017 discount rate 6/21/2017 NPP competitiveness 6/21/2017 nuclear power reactor 6/21/2017 on-line monitoring 3/22/2017 surge line 3/22/2017 thermal stratification 3/22/2017 thermomechanical load 3/22/2017 condensation mode 3/22/2017 contact condensation 3/22/2017 non-condensable gases 3/22/2017 steam-gas mixture 3/22/2017 pattern recognition theory 3/22/2017 principal component method 3/22/2017 pump diagnostics 3/22/2017 PWR 3/22/2017 set of informative criteria 3/22/2017 steam generators 3/22/2017 failure time 3/22/2017 mean time 3/22/2017 random values 3/22/2017 security system 3/22/2017 stochastic process 3/22/2017 16Cr-15Ni-2Mo-Mn-Ti-V-B steel 3/22/2017 maximum swelling temperature 3/22/2017 heat 3/22/2017 thermodynamic modeling 3/22/2017 analytical ratios 3/22/2017 critical condition 3/22/2017 equilibrium mode 3/22/2017 fast butch pulsed reactor 3/22/2017 laser system 3/22/2017 STIK program 3/22/2017 subcritical block 3/22/2017 cellular neural networks 3/22/2017 forecasting temperature fields 3/22/2017 heavy water reactor 3/22/2017 optical neurons 3/22/2017 oscillating fractal network 3/22/2017 stochastic algorithms for neural networks training 3/22/2017 the heating medium neutron moderator 3/22/2017 degradation degree 3/22/2017 hexachlorane dust 3/22/2017 isomers: γ-HCH 3/22/2017 lindane 3/22/2017 organochlorinated pesticide 3/22/2017 pesticidal chemical 3/22/2017 radiation destruction 3/22/2017 radiation stability 3/22/2017 stereo isomerization 3/22/2017 α-HCH 3/22/2017 β-HCH 3/22/2017 γ -irradiation dose 3/22/2017 adsorbent 3/22/2017 heavy metals 3/22/2017 sorption capacity 3/22/2017 water treatment 3/22/2017 compatibility with material control and accounting system 3/22/2017 hardware and software 3/22/2017 input and output data 3/22/2017 nuclear materials control and accounting 3/22/2017 system for management of specialized data base of plutonium 3/22/2017 pump flow 3/22/2017 RCP (reactor coolant pump) 3/22/2017 reactor plant on fast neutrons 3/22/2017 active and passive imagemaking 3/22/2017 implicit memory 3/22/2017 psychological deprivation 3/22/2017 psychological frustration 3/22/2017 stereotype 3/22/2017 comparative evaluation 3/22/2017 economic risks 3/22/2017 reactor technologies 3/22/2017 residual stresses 12/25/2016 Karhunen-Loeve transform 12/25/2016 main circulation pumps (MCP) operation and diagnostics 12/25/2016 MCP abnormal condition 12/25/2016 heterogeneous composition 12/25/2016 hydrozirconium reaction 12/25/2016 sodium liquid glass 12/25/2016 zirconium 12/25/2016 zirconium oxide 12/25/2016 damage 12/25/2016 manifold 12/25/2016 refusal 12/25/2016 zone of a welded joint 12/25/2016 engineering barriers 12/25/2016 host medium 12/25/2016 justification of safety 12/25/2016 natural frequencies 12/25/2016 nuclear legacy 12/25/2016 oscillation of pendulum type 12/25/2016 phase 12/25/2016 radiation transport 12/25/2016 radionuclide migration 12/25/2016 simulation analysis 12/25/2016 the coherence function 12/25/2016 Fukushima-Daiichi accident 12/25/2016 public protection strategy 12/25/2016 radiation emergency 12/25/2016 stress test 12/25/2016 comparative analysis 12/25/2016 direct conversion of energy 12/25/2016 domestic and foreign installations 12/25/2016 nuclear installations 12/25/2016 nuclear propulsions 12/25/2016 space nuclear power 12/25/2016 aerogel 12/25/2016 anisotropic nanostructure 12/25/2016 bismuth 12/25/2016 ceramic materials 12/25/2016 gallium 12/25/2016 liquid metal fusions 12/25/2016 impurity 12/25/2016 melt 12/25/2016 oxide 12/25/2016 partial pressure 12/25/2016 thermodynamic analysis 12/25/2016 a three-loop diagram 12/25/2016 high-temperature 12/25/2016 integral arrangement 12/25/2016 security 12/25/2016 system cleaning 12/25/2016 ADS 12/25/2016 MCNPX 12/25/2016 neutron yield 12/25/2016 spallation neutron sours target 12/25/2016 complex model 12/25/2016 control systems algorithms 12/25/2016 design 12/25/2016 MBIR reactor facility 12/25/2016 neutron physics processes 12/25/2016 PRISET calculation code 12/25/2016 safety analysis 12/25/2016 SimInTech process systems dynamic modeling environment 12/25/2016 thermal hydraulic processes 12/25/2016 backup electricity supply for covering auxiliary needs of the NPP 10/02/2016 combined cycle gas turbine unit 10/02/2016 combustion chamber 10/02/2016 emergency electricity supply 10/02/2016 hydrogen cycle 10/02/2016 maneuverability 10/02/2016 nuclear emergency with complete loss of electric power supply 10/02/2016 automated ultrasound system 10/02/2016 the ultrasonic method of stress relief 10/02/2016 welded joints 10/02/2016 failure flow, intensity function 10/02/2016 nonhomogeneous event flow 10/02/2016 control and management of nuclear facilities 10/02/2016 dispersion equation 10/02/2016 metrology 10/02/2016 reactivity meter 10/02/2016 FA bowing 10/02/2016 FA skeleton 10/02/2016 flexural rigidity 10/02/2016 crisis of boiling 10/02/2016 disturbance of heat with drawal 10/02/2016 regime 10/02/2016 stock coefficient 10/02/2016 analytical simulator 10/02/2016 nuclear power system 10/02/2016 competences 10/02/2016 knowledge management 10/02/2016 metascience 10/02/2016 methods of nuclear knowledge management 10/02/2016 series of interpretative theories 10/02/2016 drop to pin 10/02/2016