Shelegov Aleksandr Sergeevich Associate Professor, Cand. Sci. (Engeneering) IATE MEPhI a_shelegov@mail.ruPreliminary Assessment of the Characteristics of Brayton Cycle Equipment at Supercritical CO2 Parameters 3/28/2023 2023 - #01 Nuclear power plants Leskin S.T. Slobodchuk V.I. Shelegov A.S. Soloviev D.S.Computational Analysis of the Power Conversion Loop of a Nuclear Power Plant Unit with the Closed S-CO2 Brayton Cycle 9/23/2022 2022 - #03 Nuclear power plants Leskin S.T. Slobodchuk V.I. Shelegov A.S.Analisys of safety system pump condition based on their testing results 3/22/2017 2017 - #01 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Leskin S.T. Slobodchuk V.I. Shelegov A.S. Kashin D.Yu.Analisys of VVER-1000 main circulation pump condition under operation 12/25/2016 2016 - #04 Nuclear power plants Leskin S.T. Slobodchuk V.I. Shelegov A.S.Design features of watercooled research reactors 10/02/2016 2016 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Chusov I.A. Shelegov A.S. Kochnov O.Y.Design substantiation of electricityheated reactor model construction with supercritical parameters 12/29/2013 2013 - #04 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Avdeev E.F. Chusov I.A. Shelegov A.S. Ukraintsev V.F. Titov D.M. Ragulin S.V.Numerical simulation of the coolant flow in the porous body model of a fast breeder reactor 12/29/2013 2013 - #04 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities Leskin S.T. Slobodchuk V.I. Shelegov A.S. Yaurov S.V. Chistozvonova E.A. Sorokin A.P. Opanasenko A.N. Kalyakin S.G. Zaryugin D.G.Calculation of Heat Transfer at the Seven Heated Rod Assembly upon Supercritical Fluid Parameters 7/14/2012 2012 - #03 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics Chusov I.A. Shelegov A.S. Slobodchuk V.I. Ukraintsev V.F.