Komarova Luidmila N. Professor at the Department of Biotechnology, Dr. Sci. (Biology) IATE MEPhI komarova_l411@mail.ruStudy of the Effect of Gamma Irradiation on the Morphological And Genetic Parameters of Barley 9/20/2024 2024 - #03 Application of nuclear tech Afonina S.O. Atamanovskaya G.A. Komarova L.N.Peculiarities of the exposure dose formation on the population in the most affected regions of Russia after the Chernobyl NPP accident 9/25/2023 2023 - #03 Environmental aspects of nuclear power Panov A.V. Komarova L.N. Lyapunova E.R. Mel’nikova A.A.Synergetic Effects of the Combined Action of Carbon Ions and the Chemotherapy Drug Doxorubicin on HeLa Cancer Cells 9/23/2021 2021 - #03 Nuclear medicine and biology Komarova L.N. Mel’nikova A.A. Baldov D.A.