Gusev Igor Nikolaevich Deputy Chief Engineer Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant (a branch of JSC Rosenergoatom) GusevIN@nvnpp1.rosenergoatom.ruOn Dynamic and Operational Stability of NPP Power Units with VVER-1200 3/18/2024 2024 - #01 Nuclear power plants Gusev I.N. Smorodinov D.S. Kazakov K.V. Zhudenkov V.V. Mamontov G.A.Simulating Operation of Novovoronezh NPP(2 Power Units with Two Disabled Feeding Pumps and without Enabling the Backup Feeding Pump 6/15/2021 2021 - #02 Nuclear power plants Gusev I.N. Kozlovsky M.N. Padun S.P.System development of intelligent operator support at unit no. 1 of the Novovoronezh NPP-2 9/30/2019 2019 - #03 Nuclear power plants Gusev I.N. Solovyev B.L. Padun S.P. Mayorova M.M.New generation first of the kind unit – VVER 1200 design features 10/02/2017 2017 - #03 Current issues in nuclear energy Asmolov V.G. Gusev I.N. Kazanskiy V.R. Povarov V.P. Statsura D.B.Dynamic stability of the VVER-1200 power unit 10/02/2017 2017 - #03 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors Gusev I.N. Kazanskiy V.R. Vitkovsky I.L.Use of pre-commissioning results to develop, tune and validate the operator intelligent support system at unit № 1 of novovoronezh NPP II 10/02/2017 2017 - #03 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations Gusev I.N. Solovyev B.L. Povarov V.P. Kuzhil A.S. Padun S.P.