Andrianova Olga Nikolaevna
Independent Expert, Cand. Sci. (Nuclear Engineering)
Calculation and Experimental Analysis of Integral Experiments with Fast Neutron Spectrum and Models of Sodium- and Lead-Cooled Fast Reactors based on Different Evaluated Nuclear Data Libraries
3/18/2021 2021 - #01 Physics and technology of nuclear reactors
Andrianova O.N. Golovko Yu. E. Zherdev G.M. Lomakov G.B. Teplukhina E.S.
Calculation analysis of experiments on passing neutrons through the reflector layers at the BFSs critical assemblies for complementing the lead-cooled fast reactor verification database
9/16/2020 2020 - #03 Modelling processes at nuclear facilities
Zherdev G.M. Andrianova O.N. Borovskaya J.V. Zhirnov A.P. Teplukhina E.S.