Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Design Engineering of the Refurbished Central Zone for the SM-3 Reactor Core, Decisions Made and Service Life Justification

6/05/2024 2024 - #02 Global safety, reliability and diagnostics of nuclear power installations

Tuzov A.A. Izhutov A.L. Petelin A.L. Gureva M.N. Sazontov S.A. Vinokurov V.S.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.2.06

UDC: 621.039.566

This paper describes the main engineering solutions adopted during the ROSATOM’s investment project that was implemented by RIAR JSC to refurbish the SM-3 reactor core. The high-flux research reactor SM has the status of a unique scientific facility. A new configuration of its neutron trap allows for significant enhancement of its safety and widening of experimental capabilities. The main objectives of SM-3 core refurbishment were development of a new core with improved experimental capabilities and replacement of core parts to extend the reactor lifetime. Described here are the specific characteristics of the refurbished central zone in the core of the unique high-flux research reactor SM-3, and compared are its characteristics with the design that was in use from 1993 until 2019. The newly designed neutron trap could accommodate 57 irradiation positions (cells) which have super-high neutron flux density to be used for irradiation of targets instead of 27 positions in the core of the previous design by removing the central shim rod from the core and developing new safety rods with a combined function of the central shim rod. Discussed here are solutions to the challenges encountered at all stages of the project implementation, including dismantling, transportation and long-term storage of the parts that have reached the end of their service life, development of a new core and its mounting in the reactor vessel. The operating experience of the reactor with the newly designed core proved the appropriateness of the elaborated technical decisions and demonstrated the operational reliability and operational safety of the SM-3 nuclear research reactor.


  1. Tuzov A.A., Izhutov A.L., Petelin A.L., Divnogorsky A.V. Status of the SM-3 reactor core refurbishment. Proc. of the European Research Reactor Conference (RRFM 2019). Jordan, 2019. Available at: https:// www.euronuclear.org/download/rrfm-2019-part-3/ (accessed Apr. 08, 2024).
  2. Petelin A.L., Gureva M.N., Sazontov S.A., Vinokurov V.S., Bulgakov B.V. Design development of the SM reactor core refurbishment project: adopted decisions and justification of the lifetime. International conference «Safety of nuclear research facilities». Dimitrovgrad, Russia, 2021, pp. 24 – 25. Available at: http://niiar.ru/sites/default/files/conproc/tezisy_bezopasnost_iyau_19-21.05.21.pdf (accessed Apr. 8, 2024) (in Russian).
  3. Petelin A.L., Sazontov S.A., Malkov A.P., Nasirov N.P., Vinokurov V.S., Petrov R.V, Petrov A.G., Osipov A.A., Zaikin A.A., Sadov I.V., Chuprikov M.V., Chigintsev G.D., Shimanskiy S.A., Koshkin V.V. Refurbishment of the equipment of the control and protection system of the SM reactor. International conference «Safety of nuclear research facilities». Dimitrovgrad, Russia, 2021, pp. 33 – 35. Available at: http://niiar.ru/sites/default/files/conproc/tezisy_bezopasnost_iyau_19-21.05.21.pdf (accessed Apr. 8, 2024) (in Russian).
  4. Shadimova T.A., Vinokurov V.S., Ivanov V.V. Device for sealing the joint between the housing and the top protective covering of the nuclear reactor. Patent RF, No. 213678 U1, 2022 (in Russian).

SM-3 reactor core refurbishment neutron trap

Link for citing the article: Tuzov A.A., Izhutov A.L., Petelin A.L., Gureva M.N., Sazontov S.A., Vinokurov V.S. Design Engineering of the Refurbished Central Zone for the SM-3 Reactor Core, Decisions Made and Service Life Justification. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2024, no. 2, pp. 74-82; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.2.06 (in Russian).