Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Specifics of Radioactive Waste Management at the Power Unit No. 2 of The Armenian Nuclear Power Plant

3/18/2024 2024 - #01 Fuel cycle and nuclear waste management

Hakobyan М.T. Avakyan N.R. Ksenofontov A.I.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.1.03

UDC: 621.039.743

This article discusses a detailed description of the management of radioactive waste (RW) generated during operation at power unit No.2 Armenian NPP during the design and additional (extended) life of the Armenian NPP power unit. The resulting RW of different types, solid, liquid, gaseous and of different classes, from very low to high activity, which are regulated according to the rules and norms of radiation safety are described. Options for the preparation of RW for long-term storage with solid medium-active and low-active RW at the industrial site of the Armenian NPP are considered. The principles of continuous step-by-step improvement of safety through modernization are proposed, which implies performing analyses of compliance of the power unit with the requirements of modern safety regulations, including international ones, based on modern technologies, IAEA recommendations, probabilistic safety assessments and analysis of local and international operating experience, lessons learned from accidents and incidents at nuclear power plants, elimination of deviations from existing standards and rules. It is proposed to introduce new technologies and facilities for processing intermediate storage of RW before disposal, improve and modernize existing storage facilities, create new storage volumes that ensure the safe operation of the Armenian NPP power unit, including extending the service life and decommissioning of power units.

The omissions in the management system that create difficulties in handling RW in the Republic of Armenia are indicated. The models of increasing the safety level of RW storage at nuclear power plants by introducing a unified RW management system are formulated, which will reduce the formation of RW of various types and activities, improve and expand the system of safe management of RW and SNF in the Republic of Armenia.


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NPP nuclear energy radiation safety radioactive waste management

Link for citing the article: Hakobyan М.T., Avakyan N.R., Ksenofontov A.I. Specifics of Radioactive Waste Management at the Power Unit No. 2 of The Armenian Nuclear Power Plant. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2024, no. 1, pp. 28-41; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2024.1.03 (in Russian).