Benchmarking of the Results of Analytical and Experimental Studies of Complicated Heat and Mass Transfer in the Cavity of a High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor
12/14/2022 2022 - #04 Thermal physics and thermal hydraulics
Didenko D.V. Nikanorov O.L. Rogozhkin S.A. Aksenov A.A. Zhestkov M.N. Shaporenko E.V.
UDC: 621.
The authors of the paper compare the results of analytical and experimental studies of complicated heat transfer in the cavity of the Japanese high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTTR). The experimental data are presented within the framework of the IAEA International Coordination Research Program.
The analytical studies of heat transfer in the reactor cavity during the operation of the reactor cavity cooling system were carried out using FlowVision (the Russian software package for computational fluid dynamics). The steady-state calculations were performed for two reactor operating modes, i.e., at a power of 9 and 30 MW, respectively.
For computational studies, three-dimensional geometric and computational models were developed, which included the main components of the reactor cavity cooling system and the reactor vessel with helium circulating inside it.
The paper presents the problem statement, a brief description of the cooling system, computational model and design modes as well as the results of numerical simulation of complicated heat transfer in the reactor cavity. The power removed by the cooling system was determined. The axial temperature distributions in the reactor vessel and thermal shields of the reactor cavity cooling system were also obtained. In addition, the results were compared with the experimental data.
The computational studies have shown that, using the FlowVision software package, it is possible to successfully solve problems of complicated heat transfer when there are several different working media in a single computational model.
The results of the computational study are planned to be used for validating FlowVision and designing a nuclear power engineering plant with a high-temperature gas-cooled reactor for hydrogen production.
computational studies FlowVision computational fluid dynamics CFD heat transfer high-temperature gas-cooled reactor reactor cavity cooling system benchmark CRP IAEA validation
Link for citing the article: Didenko D.V., Nikanorov O.L., Rogozhkin S.A., Aksenov A.A., Zhestkov M.N., Shaporenko E.V. Benchmarking of the Results of Analytical and Experimental Studies of Complicated Heat and Mass Transfer in the Cavity of a High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2022, no. 4, pp. 46-57; DOI: (in Russian).