Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Investigations of the Regularities of the Accumulation of Slags Reduced by Hydrogen in the Loops with Lead-Containing Coolants

6/15/2021 2021 - #02 Chemistry, physics and technology of reactor coolants

Ulyanov V.V. Koshelev M.M. Kremlyova V.S. Kharchuk S.E.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2021.2.11

UDC: 621.039.532

Modern concepts of tank layout and long-term operation with the achievement of maximum installed capacity utilization require scientific confirmation of the safe and economically sound handling of leadcontaining coolants. The article presents a calculated analysis of the regularities of the accumulation of slags during the interaction of lead and lead-bismuth coolants with gaseous oxygen. Oxidation of lead-containing coolants leads to the formation of lead oxide, but the formation of bismuth oxide is unlikely. Metered supply of a gaseous oxidizer to lead-containing coolants makes it possible to selectively oxidize iron, chromium and nickel to their oxides without the formation of slag from solid lead oxide. The authors investigate the regularities of the formation of lead oxide during the interaction of lead-containing coolants with gaseous oxygen. It is found that, when interacting with gaseous oxygen, the lead-bismuth eutectic is oxidized 1.7 times more intensely than lead, which is explained by the presence of bismuth in the alloy. Moreover, bismuth is oxidized more intensively than lead and lead-bismuth eutectic. Excessive pressure of an inert gas during depressurization does not prevent air oxygen from entering the loop, and the dependence of the nitrogen and oxygen flow into the loop on the argon flow from the loop is close to linear regardless of the state of the loop (cold without coolant, heated without coolant, heated with circulating coolant). Oxygen is a chemically active impurity and is absorbed by the loop; therefore, it is important to control nitrogen in the gas volumes of the loops of reactor and research facilities with lead-containing coolants. Due to this, it will be possible to timely signal the supply of oxygen to the loop and take the necessary measures to eliminate or reduce the scale of the formation of slags based on lead oxides


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lead-containing coolant slags based on lead oxides lead lead-bismuth eutectic gaseous oxygen lead oxide activity Gibbs energy hydrogen purification from slags oxidation pattern backpressure flowing

Link for citing the article: Ulyanov V.V., Koshelev M.M., Kremlyova V.S., Kharchuk S.E. Investigations of the Regularities of the Accumulation of Slags Reduced by Hydrogen in the Loops with Lead-Containing Coolants. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2021, no. 2, pp. 119-129; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2021.2.11 (in Russian).