Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika

The peer-reviewed scientific and technology journal. ISSN: 0204-3327

Estimation of the personnel reliability indicators during long-term operation of a nuclear power plant unit

3/19/2020 2020 - #01 Nuclear power plants

Sobolev A.V. Tutnov I.A. Ukraintsev V.F.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2020.1.01

UDC: 621.039.58

The purpose of the study is to form and discuss the key components of the methodology to obtain the quantitative indicators of the personnel reliability based on the actual long-term operation experience data for a particular power unit. The timeliness of this study and of similar works is based on a simple assertion that the safety of the nuclear unit designs is justified using the personnel reliability indicators, in the best case, for comparable units, and, in the worst case, from related industries, that is, the reliability of the personnel at other industrial facilities. Accordingly, the obtained safety estimates with respect to personnel have nothing to do with the facility the safety of which is justified. Therefore, methods and procedures are required to update the safety criteria with regard for the actual operation experience, as a minimum, based on the actual reliability of the NPP unit personnel.

The key components are presented for shaping the methodology to obtain the quantitative indicators of the personnel reliability based on the long-term actual operation experience data for the power unit. Recommendations and explanations are provided for each of the methodology’s key components; in particular, an information model of the methodology, the key indicators and other components are presented. The timeliness of the methodology development is explained, which makes it possible to obtain quantitative reliability indicators based on the NPP operation experience.

An additional methodology is presented for assessing the safety of nuclear power plants. A unique notional definition of the nuclear plant personnel reliability and the procedure to justify the power unit safeguards with regard for the human factor aspects are proposed. An information model of the methodology is provided and the prospects are described for this to be used to improve the safety justification procedures for various components of the nuclear plant units.

To conclude with, ways are presented for the further evolution of the proposed methodology, and the scope of the methodology and the expected positive effect from its application are described.


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personnel reliability nuclear power plant methodology NPP operation experience information model

Link for citing the article: Sobolev A.V., Tutnov I.A., Ukraintsev V.F. Estimation of the personnel reliability indicators during long-term operation of a nuclear power plant unit. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2020, no. 1, pp. 5-14; DOI: https://doi.org/10.26583/npe.2020.1.01 (in Russian).